It can be very hard to keep some dogs safe and secure at home where you would like them to be, when they are intent on running away. In fact , the sheer determination and creativity that goes into your dog escaping can be as mind blowing as watching Steve McQueen in the Great Escape!
Are They Actually Running Away?
Many dog owners do not understand why their dogs would want to run away, which stands to reason when they're well fed and looked after, there is however typically a very good reason behind a dog escaping. However , knowing that doesn''t stop it being the most scary of all dog behaviour problems you've got to sort out.
If we put aside the very forceful call of nature when female dogs come into season, there are two other major reasons your dog might be trying to get out. The first is driven by separation anxiety in dogs and the second by pack leadership issues.
Separation Anxiety in Dogs
Dogs with separation anxiety aren't actually attempting to run away, but attempting to get out and come and find you. This is due to the fact that their anxiousness is not about being left home alone as is frequently believed, but caused by worrying about where you have gone and whether you'll find your way back home.
This is also why some dogs will cause so much destruction around doors and windows when they're locked in a home alone; they're completely desperate to get out and come and find you.
Dogs acting in this fashion will often have decided they're the leader of the pack and therefore answerable for the safeness of its members, so that the panic is quite understandable when some of their pack members go missing.
Pack Leader Behaviour
A dog that believes it is pack leader may also try and escape to do something else that comes instinctively to them - patrolling their territory. Simply because you have got a fence around your garden doesn't mean a dog sees that as the sole part of its territory!
Put a Stop to Your Dog Running Away
Dealing with the leadership issue will help with both of the above reasons that your dog runs away. Learning to show your dog you are pack leader does not involve being dominant or unpleasant toward your dog, just showing them you are the decision maker.
Look out for other signs of separation anxiety in your dog too, eg barking non stop when left alone or urinating or pooping in the house, as you may need to use some desensitisation training to get rid of their behavior problems altogether.
Are They Actually Running Away?
Many dog owners do not understand why their dogs would want to run away, which stands to reason when they're well fed and looked after, there is however typically a very good reason behind a dog escaping. However , knowing that doesn''t stop it being the most scary of all dog behaviour problems you've got to sort out.
If we put aside the very forceful call of nature when female dogs come into season, there are two other major reasons your dog might be trying to get out. The first is driven by separation anxiety in dogs and the second by pack leadership issues.
Separation Anxiety in Dogs
Dogs with separation anxiety aren't actually attempting to run away, but attempting to get out and come and find you. This is due to the fact that their anxiousness is not about being left home alone as is frequently believed, but caused by worrying about where you have gone and whether you'll find your way back home.
This is also why some dogs will cause so much destruction around doors and windows when they're locked in a home alone; they're completely desperate to get out and come and find you.
Dogs acting in this fashion will often have decided they're the leader of the pack and therefore answerable for the safeness of its members, so that the panic is quite understandable when some of their pack members go missing.
Pack Leader Behaviour
A dog that believes it is pack leader may also try and escape to do something else that comes instinctively to them - patrolling their territory. Simply because you have got a fence around your garden doesn't mean a dog sees that as the sole part of its territory!
Put a Stop to Your Dog Running Away
Dealing with the leadership issue will help with both of the above reasons that your dog runs away. Learning to show your dog you are pack leader does not involve being dominant or unpleasant toward your dog, just showing them you are the decision maker.
Look out for other signs of separation anxiety in your dog too, eg barking non stop when left alone or urinating or pooping in the house, as you may need to use some desensitisation training to get rid of their behavior problems altogether.
About the Author:
Author Venice Marriott is a writer and dog owner and runs a Dog Anxiety website, which provides help and information for owners dealing with dog anxiety. Get more information about your dog running away and other dog behaviour problems, when you visit the site.
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