It is always important that you instill good sleeping habits in your baby. New-born babies sleep a lot. But usually never up to more than 3 to 4 hours at a time. So imagine the endless disruptions and disturbance you can get in just one night. You will never get enough sleep.
Though it is more expected that you will have to endure sleep interruptions for the initial few months, it is at all times good to attempt and initiate training your baby good sleeping practice from the birth.
Here are a few 4 ideas that will aid your infant sleep well at night:
* The infant must be entitled to his/her private sleeping space. Having his/her own bed in a calm room is recommended, and it is most excellent if you can have the newborn sleep in his/her own bed as soon as possible.
* Babies should not be awake any longer than 2 hours at a time until they reach 8 months. Studies have shown that the longer babies sleep, the more they will want to sleep and the easier they will fall asleep.
* Teach your baby to differentiate night and day. During the day, keep the baby more active. When night comes, Make the baby keep calm and relaxed. This can be achieved easily by being more quiet in the home or play some soothing soft baby music. It is recommended that bedtimes should be between 6pm-8pm.
* When your baby is about 6-8 weeks old, allow him/her to fall asleep on his/her own. Place him/her in the crib when he/she is tired and sleepy, but is still awake. If you rock your baby to sleep, he/she will be expecting the same the next time he/she sleeps.
That is not a very good habit to pick up. On the other hand, the same goes for sleeping on his/her own. If you place them to sleep alone, they will expect that as well. Now that is a good habit to cultivate.
Remember, pampering your newborn can impose both negative and positive effects to your child. So be careful of what you do.
In conclusion, following these tips will make life easier in the long run for both you and your baby.
Though it is more expected that you will have to endure sleep interruptions for the initial few months, it is at all times good to attempt and initiate training your baby good sleeping practice from the birth.
Here are a few 4 ideas that will aid your infant sleep well at night:
* The infant must be entitled to his/her private sleeping space. Having his/her own bed in a calm room is recommended, and it is most excellent if you can have the newborn sleep in his/her own bed as soon as possible.
* Babies should not be awake any longer than 2 hours at a time until they reach 8 months. Studies have shown that the longer babies sleep, the more they will want to sleep and the easier they will fall asleep.
* Teach your baby to differentiate night and day. During the day, keep the baby more active. When night comes, Make the baby keep calm and relaxed. This can be achieved easily by being more quiet in the home or play some soothing soft baby music. It is recommended that bedtimes should be between 6pm-8pm.
* When your baby is about 6-8 weeks old, allow him/her to fall asleep on his/her own. Place him/her in the crib when he/she is tired and sleepy, but is still awake. If you rock your baby to sleep, he/she will be expecting the same the next time he/she sleeps.
That is not a very good habit to pick up. On the other hand, the same goes for sleeping on his/her own. If you place them to sleep alone, they will expect that as well. Now that is a good habit to cultivate.
Remember, pampering your newborn can impose both negative and positive effects to your child. So be careful of what you do.
In conclusion, following these tips will make life easier in the long run for both you and your baby.
About the Author:
Tania Bullock loves the Fisher Price Papasan cradle swing. She has 3 kids with youngest Candy at 6 months old. If you have a toddler, she loves for you to check out the Fisher Price Papasan cradle swing review site.