For those busy parents on the go with two young children, a double stroller is an absolute necessity. Whether running household errands or going to enjoy a day at the park, a sturdy and affordable model that stands up to the abuse of small children is needed. The Graco Duoglider is a great stroller to consider fulfilling this need.
Great functionality and style can be had without breaking the budget. It is easy to make the way through doorways with this stroller since it is only twenty inches wide unlike traditional side-by-side doubles. It can also easily be steered with only one hand, freeing up parents' other hand to deal with the children.
It offers adjustable tandem seats that have a reclining feature. The back seat reclines fully flat for rolling nap time. Its smooth operation allows the seat to recline when needed without waking a child who has succumbed to slumber asleep while sitting upright.
Great functionality and style can be had without breaking the budget. It is easy to make the way through doorways with this stroller since it is only twenty inches wide unlike traditional side-by-side doubles. It can also easily be steered with only one hand, freeing up parents' other hand to deal with the children.
It offers adjustable tandem seats that have a reclining feature. The back seat reclines fully flat for rolling nap time. Its smooth operation allows the seat to recline when needed without waking a child who has succumbed to slumber asleep while sitting upright.
The back seat sits a bit higher than the front seat of the stroller ensuring that the child riding in the back has a great view too. This stadium style seating is not a common feature with other double strollers. Both seats are comfortable, safe, and secure for each child.
Each seat can accommodate an infant car seat for easy strolling with young twins. In this stroller a younger child and a toddler can also both ride comfortably. Parents love the suspension. It absorbs shocks as it travels assuring that the children's ride is a comfortable one.
Each seat has an adjustable canopy overhead to protect children from drizzle or strong sunlight. These canopies can also be completely removed when desired. This removable feature is not found on some other models of strollers.
A child's tray is featured on the front seat. Keeping snacks, toys, and drinks close at hand makes the parent's job simpler. A great tray for parents is also included. This tray stores a drink, car keys, or anything a parent wishes to keep within reach.
The expansive storage basket beneath the seats holds plenty of other items needed for the day. Large diaper bags fit neatly inside with plenty of room to spare. Put the bag below and keep the hands free for comfort and other uses.
The Graco Duoglider is also a great fit for traveling. It easily collapses flat to store in a vehicle while driving. It's not bulky when it is removed for use. Its operation is smooth and simple whether opening or collapsing the stroller and either can be done with a single hand.
For the purchase price, it offers great performance. Budget-minded parents will want to take a look at this stroller. It is available in a large number of traditional stores as well as online. Parents of two children are thrilled to receive one as a gift.
Making outings more fun, thi
Each seat can accommodate an infant car seat for easy strolling with young twins. In this stroller a younger child and a toddler can also both ride comfortably. Parents love the suspension. It absorbs shocks as it travels assuring that the children's ride is a comfortable one.
Each seat has an adjustable canopy overhead to protect children from drizzle or strong sunlight. These canopies can also be completely removed when desired. This removable feature is not found on some other models of strollers.
A child's tray is featured on the front seat. Keeping snacks, toys, and drinks close at hand makes the parent's job simpler. A great tray for parents is also included. This tray stores a drink, car keys, or anything a parent wishes to keep within reach.
The expansive storage basket beneath the seats holds plenty of other items needed for the day. Large diaper bags fit neatly inside with plenty of room to spare. Put the bag below and keep the hands free for comfort and other uses.
The Graco Duoglider is also a great fit for traveling. It easily collapses flat to store in a vehicle while driving. It's not bulky when it is removed for use. Its operation is smooth and simple whether opening or collapsing the stroller and either can be done with a single hand.
For the purchase price, it offers great performance. Budget-minded parents will want to take a look at this stroller. It is available in a large number of traditional stores as well as online. Parents of two children are thrilled to receive one as a gift.
Making outings more fun, thi
A child's tray is featured on the front seat. Keeping snacks, toys, and drinks close at hand makes the parent's job simpler. A great tray for parents is also included. This tray stores a drink, car keys, or anything a parent wishes to keep within reach.
The expansive storage basket beneath the seats holds plenty of other items needed for the day. Large diaper bags fit neatly inside with plenty of room to spare. Put the bag below and keep the hands free for comfort and other uses.
The Graco Duoglider is also a great fit for traveling. It easily collapses flat to store in a vehicle while driving. It's not bulky when it is removed for use. Its operation is smooth and simple whether opening or collapsing the stroller and either can be done with a single hand.
For the purchase price, it offers great performance. Budget-minded parents will want to take a look at this stroller. It is available in a large number of traditional stores as well as online. Parents of two children are thrilled to receive one as a gift.
Making outings more fun, this stroller also ensures that children are kept safe and comfortable. Happy children make happy parents. While strolling in style and comfort, everyone can enjoy the day's activities.
About the Author:
The expansive storage basket beneath the seats holds plenty of other items needed for the day. Large diaper bags fit neatly inside with plenty of room to spare. Put the bag below and keep the hands free for comfort and other uses.
The Graco Duoglider is also a great fit for traveling. It easily collapses flat to store in a vehicle while driving. It's not bulky when it is removed for use. Its operation is smooth and simple whether opening or collapsing the stroller and either can be done with a single hand.
For the purchase price, it offers great performance. Budget-minded parents will want to take a look at this stroller. It is available in a large number of traditional stores as well as online. Parents of two children are thrilled to receive one as a gift.
Making outings more fun, this stroller also ensures that children are kept safe and comfortable. Happy children make happy parents. While strolling in style and comfort, everyone can enjoy the day's activities.
About the Author:
The Graco Duoglider is safe and attractive for transporting your youngsters. Graco double strollers can assist you with one or two babies during outings.