When you make choices of this kind it's far more likely for you to have the best colors on your walls and to have your furniture where it works best. Expend some thought in this regard and this will help you to prepare.
The well known proverb too many cooks spoil the broth can be applied to ventures of this nature. You need to be the decision maker while consulting other people with whom you may share the house. The choices will affect you and this is why you have to remain focused on getting what you really want making choices that help this to be attained.
By all means take advice but do not be afraid to disregard it if it does not match what you want and how you envisage the project to proceed. People always think they know best and they are actually trying to be helpful but if you follow their ideas then you will simply be creating the home that is ideal for them.
This will mean looking at the rooms in which you live and figuring out how you can best supplement the lives you lead while revealing aspects of your personality. If you have particular interests try to ensure that these are represented. If you really like music for example don't hide your expensive stereo behind a cabinet.
Speak about issues that concern you and be willing to look at possible compromises. Find a way that works for everyone and try not to get involved in arguments of any sort while doing this.
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