Looking for discount stun guns? There are plenty of stun gun units available online. But how do you know which one to choose? For starters, you need to consider several factors. For instance, you need to take into account which model you prefer, the unit's voltage and its price, especially if you are looking for discount stun guns.
When buying discount stun guns, the most important things to take into consideration is your budget, of course. Stun gun prices usually range between 18-69 dollars. So it's best to ask yourself how much you are willing to spend for such device and this will depend on the voltage. Remember that the higher the voltage, the more effective the device is - albeit, the higher the cost for you. If you are planning to buy a high voltage stun gun, then make room in your budget for something beyond $18.
If you want to look for discount stun guns on the low end of the spectrum, you can buy a unit that, at best, has only 100,000 volts. While on the higher end, stun devices can provide up to 4 million volts. To be safe, go with the unit that has at least 800,000 volts. When someone would try attacking you, just turn your stun gun unit on and surely, they will think twice about getting their hands on you. The crackling sound alone is threatening enough, wait till they feel the full effect of the shock.
In stunning a person with a stun gun, you will not be doing any permanent damage. But the target will definitely go down to his knees, shocked and will find it hard getting up for about 10 minutes or so. The electrical charge will mess with his muscular and nervous system so he will be effectively immobilized momentarily but just enough for you to run for safety.
One important reminder: Whether you are buying high end or discount stun guns, you need to make sure that it is a
If you want to look for discount stun guns on the low end of the spectrum, you can buy a unit that, at best, has only 100,000 volts. While on the higher end, stun devices can provide up to 4 million volts. To be safe, go with the unit that has at least 800,000 volts. When someone would try attacking you, just turn your stun gun unit on and surely, they will think twice about getting their hands on you. The crackling sound alone is threatening enough, wait till they feel the full effect of the shock.
In stunning a person with a stun gun, you will not be doing any permanent damage. But the target will definitely go down to his knees, shocked and will find it hard getting up for about 10 minutes or so. The electrical charge will mess with his muscular and nervous system so he will be effectively immobilized momentarily but just enough for you to run for safety.
One important reminder: Whether you are buying high end or discount stun guns, you need to make sure that it is a
In stunning a person with a stun gun, you will not be doing any permanent damage. But the target will definitely go down to his knees, shocked and will find it hard getting up for about 10 minutes or so. The electrical charge will mess with his muscular and nervous system so he will be effectively immobilized momentarily but just enough for you to run for safety.
One important reminder: Whether you are buying high end or discount stun guns, you need to make sure that it is absolutely legal to buy or own a stun gun unit within your area of residence. Although they are generally non-lethal, stun guns are banned or regulated in some states and counties. Check with your local authorities to learn about your area's policies regarding possession and purchase of stun guns. (Online purchase can also be regulated in some places so it is always best to know about your state's stun gun guidelines to avoid any hassles.)
One important reminder: Whether you are buying high end or discount stun guns, you need to make sure that it is absolutely legal to buy or own a stun gun unit within your area of residence. Although they are generally non-lethal, stun guns are banned or regulated in some states and counties. Check with your local authorities to learn about your area's policies regarding possession and purchase of stun guns. (Online purchase can also be regulated in some places so it is always best to know about your state's stun gun guidelines to avoid any hassles.)