The greens
Many designs begin with the fundamental natural elements. Trees, hedges, and other greenery can be used to designate pathways, create borders, and draw the eye to other elements. Moreover, trees are essential for shade, which can help to protect other areas of the yard form excessive sun damage.
Garden designs
Gardening is often considered a separate field altogether, but it can play an important role in any landscaping efforts. Flowers and other plants can serve to add additional colors to any yard, and are often the finishing touches most yards require.
Layering the yard
For homes that have hills and grades in the yards, the use of tiered effects can be truly dazzling when done properly. Often times, these layered yards will incorporate waterfalls and ponds so that water becomes yet another important theme in the designs.
Remember the patio
Most people who landscape a yard do it because they want to enhance visual appeal and provide an improved space that they can enjoy for their various outdoor activities. Every landscaping efforts should strive to create harmony between patios and other design elements to accomplish those two goals.
It is easy to see that there are really no limits to what can be done with any yard space. Homeowners just need to exercise a little creativity and to understand how they want to use the space for their personal enjoyment. When they are able to do so, creating the perfect landscape design is often surprisingly simple.
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