A correctly set up and well taken care of tank is truly a great experience, watching those flowing and amazingly beautiful fish float through the water one could quite easily see how they came to be named the kings of the aquarium. While you're exhibiting such wonderful fish it is very important to care for them well in order to retain their splendor and unique colors, for that reason finding the time to build their tank correctly is very important.
Fish tank Size
Discus fish flourish in sizable fish tanks with space to swim around, so typically, your fish tank should be roughly ten to fifteen gallons for each grownup discus fish. Consequently a 55 gallon tank would be the lowest size for six adult discus fish (I know the math says it should be 60, however 55 gallons is a typical size for fish tanks).
Fish tank Size
Discus fish flourish in sizable fish tanks with space to swim around, so typically, your fish tank should be roughly ten to fifteen gallons for each grownup discus fish. Consequently a 55 gallon tank would be the lowest size for six adult discus fish (I know the math says it should be 60, however 55 gallons is a typical size for fish tanks).
These pleasant but shy fish wish to have a calm daily life; they are accustomed to clean water and dimly lit spacious area to swim around in. As a result the discus tank need to be positioned in a spacious section of the house away from direct sunlight, heat, noise and lots of movement. Furthermore you want to keep the fish tank elevated as shadows might be upsetting for discus fish.
Water Conditions
Discus like water condition much like their natural surroundings, where the water is normally soft and slightly acidic, so keeping track of tank conditions is vital. The most important parts of fish tank water to be aware of are the pH, temperature, and softness. Discus fish flourish in a pH which is between five and a half and seven and temperatures of between 77 and 86F (25-30C). Furthermore in order to keep a healthy discus, it is vital to clean out the aquarium and change 25-30% of the water not less than 1 time a week.
Aquarium Filters
Before including discus to your tank you must establish nitrifiying bacteria colonies in your filter. This is crucial as these are a major contributor to keeping ammonia and nitrate quantities controlled by consuming fish waste. As a result deciding on the correct filtration system is vital for preserving the nitrification levels of your water, when you've got a planted aquarium this would also help out to minimize the quantity of toxins within the water. But frequent water changes remain important for maintaining discus fish health
Discus Tank Mates
Discus will need a lot of space; thus not putting discus with territorial tank mates will go a long way to keeping happy and healthy discus fish. One of the recommended friends for discus are a extremely brilliantly colored fish called Tetra, there are plenty of kinds of Tetra but I personally find Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras and Rummy Nose Tetras to help with making discus genuinely feel very comfortable and safe since
Water Conditions
Discus like water condition much like their natural surroundings, where the water is normally soft and slightly acidic, so keeping track of tank conditions is vital. The most important parts of fish tank water to be aware of are the pH, temperature, and softness. Discus fish flourish in a pH which is between five and a half and seven and temperatures of between 77 and 86F (25-30C). Furthermore in order to keep a healthy discus, it is vital to clean out the aquarium and change 25-30% of the water not less than 1 time a week.
Aquarium Filters
Before including discus to your tank you must establish nitrifiying bacteria colonies in your filter. This is crucial as these are a major contributor to keeping ammonia and nitrate quantities controlled by consuming fish waste. As a result deciding on the correct filtration system is vital for preserving the nitrification levels of your water, when you've got a planted aquarium this would also help out to minimize the quantity of toxins within the water. But frequent water changes remain important for maintaining discus fish health
Discus Tank Mates
Discus will need a lot of space; thus not putting discus with territorial tank mates will go a long way to keeping happy and healthy discus fish. One of the recommended friends for discus are a extremely brilliantly colored fish called Tetra, there are plenty of kinds of Tetra but I personally find Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras and Rummy Nose Tetras to help with making discus genuinely feel very comfortable and safe since
Before including discus to your tank you must establish nitrifiying bacteria colonies in your filter. This is crucial as these are a major contributor to keeping ammonia and nitrate quantities controlled by consuming fish waste. As a result deciding on the correct filtration system is vital for preserving the nitrification levels of your water, when you've got a planted aquarium this would also help out to minimize the quantity of toxins within the water. But frequent water changes remain important for maintaining discus fish health
Discus Tank Mates
Discus will need a lot of space; thus not putting discus with territorial tank mates will go a long way to keeping happy and healthy discus fish. One of the recommended friends for discus are a extremely brilliantly colored fish called Tetra, there are plenty of kinds of Tetra but I personally find Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras and Rummy Nose Tetras to help with making discus genuinely feel very comfortable and safe since they help emulate their natural environment. Various different fish types are also suitable. It is necessary to avoid any large or aggressive fish when making your discus aquarium just like freshwater angelfish; as they can bully your discus and muscle them out at feeding time. Getting the right discus aquarium set-up is perhaps the most crucial factor of discus care and it is important to have it right first-time as it a major pain and cost to switch it later.
About the Author:
Discus Tank Mates
Discus will need a lot of space; thus not putting discus with territorial tank mates will go a long way to keeping happy and healthy discus fish. One of the recommended friends for discus are a extremely brilliantly colored fish called Tetra, there are plenty of kinds of Tetra but I personally find Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras and Rummy Nose Tetras to help with making discus genuinely feel very comfortable and safe since they help emulate their natural environment. Various different fish types are also suitable. It is necessary to avoid any large or aggressive fish when making your discus aquarium just like freshwater angelfish; as they can bully your discus and muscle them out at feeding time. Getting the right discus aquarium set-up is perhaps the most crucial factor of discus care and it is important to have it right first-time as it a major pain and cost to switch it later.
About the Author:
want to know more about setting up a discus aquarium? then read Adam White's articles where you can find out all about building a discus aquarium .