Tips for Travelling with Snakes - Top 3 Things to Consider

By Heather Richards

Every once in a while it's necessary to transport and travel with your pet snake on board. In these instances, there are 3 basic considerations when Travelling with a snake: heat, sound, and security, although not really in that exact order. By keeping these 3 basics under consideration when preparing the foundations for and during your travel, you will be sure to arrive at your destination safely and securely.

Like many reptiles, and even humans, snakes 'hear ' through vibrations. Although they don't have any outer ear, their inner ear picks up vibrations that their brain then translates as sound. These vibrations permit snakes to sense the sounds of their environment. If you have not already put two and 2 together, travel in a vehicle is a continuous bombardment of vibration. These vibrations can be extremely intense to a snake. In order to make the trip as pet friendly as possible for your snake, you will want to consider all techniques of reducing vibration and sound for your snake during travel.

One of the finest methods to reduce vibrations is by placing soft foam around your snakes travel container, particularly targeting the space between the floor and the base of the container. Often, a 3-5" thick piece of foam works adequately to minimize vibration and sound. Another superb way to reduce sound is by placing balled up paper or other soft items within the container with your snake. This not only acts as a sound barrier but also provides great hiding spots for you snake. Of course, reducing all sound and vibration is impossible nonetheless , these practices and careful driving methodology can also help. It's also sound procedure to shut and open doors carefully and quietly, and to restrict the quantity of heavy music you play during travel.

Your snake will also need to be securely contained. Just like every other pet, your snake needs to have their own place they can feel safe and secure. You do not need a big aquarium for transport as your snake does not need exercise or freedom to wander during travel. A reasonably sized plastic container will work fine as long as it has a secure lid or top. You may also need to make sure your snake has adequate ventilation and doesn't end up buried underneath other bags.

Eventually, your snake must keep warm during travel. Heat packs work fine if the temperature goes below 60 degrees and can go on for up to 60 hours at a time, although less than 24 hours of travel time is advocated for your snakes health and reason. When setting up your snake's temperature, it is smart to have a digital temperature gauge in his travel container to watch how he does. Never place your snake directly on a heat pad or pack as you can endanger or maybe kill a snake by doing this. Always make sure that there is a cloth or blanket over the heat source that he won't be able to penetrate or worm his way into during travel. Doing this can protect him and potentially save his life. It's also a good idea to check and study your snake's container's temperature before you journey to ensure everything runs smoothly and without issues.

Although it is a rare case to have to transport your snake, it is often best to be prepared and take all care to avoid event and accidents. Considering these 3 fundamental things "sound, heat, & security "when Travelling with your pet snake can and will cope with stress and make Travelling easier for both you and your pet.

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