A few weeks ago, my cousin's history teacher was wanting to show the movie The Patriot. He is 13. Besides by obvious problems with its historic inaccuracies, making me shake my head as to why a history teacher would ever want to show it, it's especially violent and has some particularly brutal slow and drawn out killing scenes.
This makes me ask the question, why aren't television versions of movies available for schools? Why can't a school have the best of both worlds, showing a film they believe would be of interest to the children, while at the same time satisfying parents that the movies selected by the teachers aren't too violent or inappropriate for the kids?
It's really too bad that the tV versions of films aren't available on a broader basis. My young cousin has already been in a situation where he was the only kid not allowed to watch the movie. It is a little humiliating when all the other parents are bullied through peer pressure to permit their young children to see a rated R and violent movie and yet your son or daughter is the odd man out.
I actually myself occasionally prefer the TV versions of films to the real thing. Sure, they come up with nerdy substitutions for a lot of the swear words, but I like that they minimize some of the especially raunchy scenes. Some films are great but for that one scene the director put in there simply to push the envelope a little bit.
Showing films at schools has become more and more common these days. If parents would begin asking the teachers to look for and show the TV version of the movie rather than the real thing, maybe those
It's really too bad that the tV versions of films aren't available on a broader basis. My young cousin has already been in a situation where he was the only kid not allowed to watch the movie. It is a little humiliating when all the other parents are bullied through peer pressure to permit their young children to see a rated R and violent movie and yet your son or daughter is the odd man out.
I actually myself occasionally prefer the TV versions of films to the real thing. Sure, they come up with nerdy substitutions for a lot of the swear words, but I like that they minimize some of the especially raunchy scenes. Some films are great but for that one scene the director put in there simply to push the envelope a little bit.
Showing films at schools has become more and more common these days. If parents would begin asking the teachers to look for and show the TV version of the movie rather than the real thing, maybe those
I actually myself occasionally prefer the TV versions of films to the real thing. Sure, they come up with nerdy substitutions for a lot of the swear words, but I like that they minimize some of the especially raunchy scenes. Some films are great but for that one scene the director put in there simply to push the envelope a little bit.
Showing films at schools has become more and more common these days. If parents would begin asking the teachers to look for and show the TV version of the movie rather than the real thing, maybe those versions would become more readily available and would solve the multiple problems that appear when teachers want to show rated R films to kids.
About the Author:
Showing films at schools has become more and more common these days. If parents would begin asking the teachers to look for and show the TV version of the movie rather than the real thing, maybe those versions would become more readily available and would solve the multiple problems that appear when teachers want to show rated R films to kids.
About the Author:
For reviews and info on the newest films, check out Movie Warp. For a great upcoming kid's film, check out Puss in Boots.