Many people forget about their garden during winter and don't do anything until spring. But with a little thought a garden can look good in winter. It's a good idea to get outside and tidy up the bit of the garden that you can see from the window. Clear away fallen leaves and faded perennials and prepare for a display for the winter. Visit flower shops too and steal some of their ideas. If you find you're unable to carry plants and flowers home just ask about Flower delivery.
It is quite surprising how many plants do flower in winter. Many have interesting leaves and others have brightly coloured berries such as Skimmias. Hellebores flower in winter and their lovely blooms will be on display at Christmas time. Winter Pansies are a great choice and these bright little flowers can be found in markets, garden centres and flower shops who may well offer flower delivery.
It is quite surprising how many plants do flower in winter. Many have interesting leaves and others have brightly coloured berries such as Skimmias. Hellebores flower in winter and their lovely blooms will be on display at Christmas time. Winter Pansies are a great choice and these bright little flowers can be found in markets, garden centres and flower shops who may well offer flower delivery.
Why not fill tubs and hanging baskets. Try small Skimmias with their bright red berries as a centrepiece and add some trailing ivy with winter pansies at the base. These will be available from flower shops. As nothing much grows in the winter months, once planted these plants will stay at the same size as they are. So you need to plant them in close proximity to one another.
Flower shops often sell seed heads as these can be beautiful in their own right. You may find too that you have many of your own in your garden. Look around and see if you have the remains of Love-in-a-Mist or Fennel which can be most attractive. Don't cut them back. Many birds come to feed on seed heads and Goldfinches especially are attracted to plants such as Evening Primrose. The sight of the birds feeding is a fine winter spectacle.
Evergreen shrubs, as their name suggests, do not lose their leaves in the colder months. Many of these types of plant can be bought in pots. Mahonia, for example, is a lovely evergreen which has beautiful scented flowers. Once winter is over the shrubs can be planted to a permanent position in the garden itself.
Outside lights are a good way to bring light and colour to a winter garden. Don't just use them at Christmas but why not put them outside during the dark months. With today's energy saving bulbs they don't have to cost a lot to use and they can bring a good deal of pleasure as it means you'll be able see some of the garden even during the hours of darkness.
Books and flower shops are great sources of inspiration when it comes to winter planting. Pot plants are ideal as they can be moved to different positions in the garden. Shells, stones and logs can be used with imagination to help create interesting winter flower displays. Bird tables need to be stocked up with seeds
Flower shops often sell seed heads as these can be beautiful in their own right. You may find too that you have many of your own in your garden. Look around and see if you have the remains of Love-in-a-Mist or Fennel which can be most attractive. Don't cut them back. Many birds come to feed on seed heads and Goldfinches especially are attracted to plants such as Evening Primrose. The sight of the birds feeding is a fine winter spectacle.
Evergreen shrubs, as their name suggests, do not lose their leaves in the colder months. Many of these types of plant can be bought in pots. Mahonia, for example, is a lovely evergreen which has beautiful scented flowers. Once winter is over the shrubs can be planted to a permanent position in the garden itself.
Outside lights are a good way to bring light and colour to a winter garden. Don't just use them at Christmas but why not put them outside during the dark months. With today's energy saving bulbs they don't have to cost a lot to use and they can bring a good deal of pleasure as it means you'll be able see some of the garden even during the hours of darkness.
Books and flower shops are great sources of inspiration when it comes to winter planting. Pot plants are ideal as they can be moved to different positions in the garden. Shells, stones and logs can be used with imagination to help create interesting winter flower displays. Bird tables need to be stocked up with seeds
Evergreen shrubs, as their name suggests, do not lose their leaves in the colder months. Many of these types of plant can be bought in pots. Mahonia, for example, is a lovely evergreen which has beautiful scented flowers. Once winter is over the shrubs can be planted to a permanent position in the garden itself.
Outside lights are a good way to bring light and colour to a winter garden. Don't just use them at Christmas but why not put them outside during the dark months. With today's energy saving bulbs they don't have to cost a lot to use and they can bring a good deal of pleasure as it means you'll be able see some of the garden even during the hours of darkness.
Books and flower shops are great sources of inspiration when it comes to winter planting. Pot plants are ideal as they can be moved to different positions in the garden. Shells, stones and logs can be used with imagination to help create interesting winter flower displays. Bird tables need to be stocked up with seeds and nuts to attract winter visitors such as thrushes and fieldfares.
At Christmas time your local garden centre, market and flower shops will have lots of ideas for you to copy. New plants come on to the market every year and flower shop staff will be pleased to offer advice and suggestions. Whether you have a tiny patio or a huge garden there is a host of colourful winter plants to brighten up your outdoor areas. If you don't have a car and can't carry plants home ask about flower delivery.
About the Author:
Outside lights are a good way to bring light and colour to a winter garden. Don't just use them at Christmas but why not put them outside during the dark months. With today's energy saving bulbs they don't have to cost a lot to use and they can bring a good deal of pleasure as it means you'll be able see some of the garden even during the hours of darkness.
Books and flower shops are great sources of inspiration when it comes to winter planting. Pot plants are ideal as they can be moved to different positions in the garden. Shells, stones and logs can be used with imagination to help create interesting winter flower displays. Bird tables need to be stocked up with seeds and nuts to attract winter visitors such as thrushes and fieldfares.
At Christmas time your local garden centre, market and flower shops will have lots of ideas for you to copy. New plants come on to the market every year and flower shop staff will be pleased to offer advice and suggestions. Whether you have a tiny patio or a huge garden there is a host of colourful winter plants to brighten up your outdoor areas. If you don't have a car and can't carry plants home ask about flower delivery.
About the Author:
Looking to find the best flower shops? then visit to find the best advice and find the right flower for your occasion.