How Can I Housebreak My Puppy? You'll need the Following Items

By Dirk Gruenberg

The appearance of a new puppy is a big event in every household. So, not surprisingly, most things that make life with a puppy easier are in place. But do not forget that house training is one of the first tasks and need to have the necessary tools and supplies ready.

You can make housebreaking your pup extremely easy, as long as you have the right tools! Here are the absolute necessities: the essential puppy house training supplies are either a crate, gate or, ideally, both.

For puppies it is way too difficult to judge when they need to relieve themselves. It just happens quite frequently throughout the day and also at night.

One of the best methods is to get a dog crate for your puppy, and let the pup out on a frequent schedule. Crates feel like dens to a young dog, so they won't want to soil where they are sleeping.

There are times when your pup is not in his crate but in the kitchen or another room with you. Even if you can watch him it may still be a good idea to have a gate blocking him from leaving this room.

No matter how frequently you take your pup out, accidents will occur. Be aware that your pup does not do this intentionally. So never be angry at him or even punish him. You should have dog-friendly cleaning products at hand and just clean up the mess.

In case of an accident you want to clean up the mess by using adequate cleaning supplies. This procedure not only removes the odors but also makes sure your dog does not select that place for his next accident.

Finally, a dog collar, leash and puppy treats are the puppy house training supplies that will help you start actually training your dog how to go potty.

Puppies love praise, petting and tasty snack rewards, so take your pup outside on his leash and as soon as he uses the bathroom, jump up and down, sing his praises and give him a puppy biscuit. In no time at all, he will understand that relieving himself outside results in all of his favorite things!

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