The question is two-fold. Firstly what constitutes a 'pet', and secondly are pigs really that great?
Cages for chinchilla pets should always be made of wire to prevent them from chewing their way out. Because your chinchilla might gnaw on the wire, make sure that it is not painted or coated with any substance. The wires should not be spaced more than one to two inches apart, but no more than one-half inch apart on the bottom of the cage. The smaller gaps on the bottom of the cage can help prevent leg injuries as your chinchilla walks or runs in its cage.
But what about the pig? He or she starts cute, grows big quite quickly, makes a mess if you don't look after him properly, and has an inquisitiveness that borders on the destructive.
Cages for chinchilla pets should always be made of wire to prevent them from chewing their way out. Because your chinchilla might gnaw on the wire, make sure that it is not painted or coated with any substance. The wires should not be spaced more than one to two inches apart, but no more than one-half inch apart on the bottom of the cage. The smaller gaps on the bottom of the cage can help prevent leg injuries as your chinchilla walks or runs in its cage.
But what about the pig? He or she starts cute, grows big quite quickly, makes a mess if you don't look after him properly, and has an inquisitiveness that borders on the destructive.
Finches of Bengalese type are not very noisy, they produce very pleasant soft songs and their chirping is joyful and meek. The singing is most interesting when the male is starting to show mating behavior to the female. If you separate them visually, the male and the female would make a sound contact: the female's answer would be longer than the males' one.
The temperature should never go higher than 86 degrees. Directing a fan in the direction of your chinchilla won't help it cool off because chinchillas don't sweat - the fan will only make the hot air go in circles. One strategy for cooling off an overheated chinchilla consists of using a covered pan containing ice cubes inside the cage. Your pet can then curl up against it to get cooler. You do, however, need to make sure that your pet will not be able to fall into the pan of ice cubes.
These cute birds are usually ready to hybridize with many other species of finches. It is especially easy to mate Bengalese with other munias, and some of that crosses are only virtual hybrids due to their fertility. Society finches are ready to hybridize with finches that are not their close relatives, and hybrids from mating with zebra finches are very interesting.
I should mention that they are ve
The temperature should never go higher than 86 degrees. Directing a fan in the direction of your chinchilla won't help it cool off because chinchillas don't sweat - the fan will only make the hot air go in circles. One strategy for cooling off an overheated chinchilla consists of using a covered pan containing ice cubes inside the cage. Your pet can then curl up against it to get cooler. You do, however, need to make sure that your pet will not be able to fall into the pan of ice cubes.
These cute birds are usually ready to hybridize with many other species of finches. It is especially easy to mate Bengalese with other munias, and some of that crosses are only virtual hybrids due to their fertility. Society finches are ready to hybridize with finches that are not their close relatives, and hybrids from mating with zebra finches are very interesting.
I should mention that they are ve
The temperature should never go higher than 86 degrees. Directing a fan in the direction of your chinchilla won't help it cool off because chinchillas don't sweat - the fan will only make the hot air go in circles. One strategy for cooling off an overheated chinchilla consists of using a covered pan containing ice cubes inside the cage. Your pet can then curl up against it to get cooler. You do, however, need to make sure that your pet will not be able to fall into the pan of ice cubes.
These cute birds are usually ready to hybridize with many other species of finches. It is especially easy to mate Bengalese with other munias, and some of that crosses are only virtual hybrids due to their fertility. Society finches are ready to hybridize with finches that are not their close relatives, and hybrids from mating with zebra finches are very interesting.
I should mention that they are very hardy creatures, but if their diet is improper or their cages are dirty and exposed to draft, many diseases may occur. And see now, here is the key: you only need to exclude those negative possibilities and the risk of diseases would be minimized. Here I superficially mentioned some basic and interesting information about these little birds. I'm sure you are interested to find much more.
About the Author:
These cute birds are usually ready to hybridize with many other species of finches. It is especially easy to mate Bengalese with other munias, and some of that crosses are only virtual hybrids due to their fertility. Society finches are ready to hybridize with finches that are not their close relatives, and hybrids from mating with zebra finches are very interesting.
I should mention that they are very hardy creatures, but if their diet is improper or their cages are dirty and exposed to draft, many diseases may occur. And see now, here is the key: you only need to exclude those negative possibilities and the risk of diseases would be minimized. Here I superficially mentioned some basic and interesting information about these little birds. I'm sure you are interested to find much more.
About the Author:
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