Americans discard over 300 million tires each year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Eighty percent of these tires, are recycled, however, thanks to legislation from forty-eight states, which manages the disposition of scrapped tires. One of the most popular uses of recycled tires is rubber mulch Orlando, which has many residential and commercial applications.
Tire recycling is a thriving industry. Thanks to the efforts of the Tire and Rubber Recycling Board, states have been actively seeking markets for scrap tire derivatives. In fact, many states have implemented reimbursements and grants, designed to make recycling an affordable business option.
Tire recycling is a thriving industry. Thanks to the efforts of the Tire and Rubber Recycling Board, states have been actively seeking markets for scrap tire derivatives. In fact, many states have implemented reimbursements and grants, designed to make recycling an affordable business option.
Tire recycling follows a simple, standard process. At a recycling facility, discarded tires are stripped of steel and fibers, to prepare for the shredding process. After tires are shredded, they are vulcanized, meaning that they are treated with chemicals, heat, and softening agents. The vulcanization process retains a tire's elasticity, as well as its insulating properties. The vulcanization process also transforms tires so that they are virtually indestructible.
Two applications of rubber mulch have to do with playgrounds and horse arenas. On playgrounds, the product provides a tough ground cover, as well as a soft cushion against falls and injuries. In horse arenas, the product, when mixed with sand, provides excellent traction for horses, and added shock absorption, to lessen strain on animals. Available in a variety of colors to match any aesthetic, the product usually comes with a lifetime warranty.
Rubber mulch has landscaping applications. When used over planting beds, recycled tires allow water and nutrients to penetrate the soil, while providing protection against weed germination, and the elements. Unlike wood chips, recycled tires do not absorb water and nutrients meant for plants, and they do not blow away in the wind and the rain. Overall, the product reduces the time gardeners spend maintaining their beds, and reduces their long-term costs.
Installing and maintaining recycled tire ground covers are simple processes. In playgrounds and arenas, tires should be installed over four to six inches of crushed, packed stone. In gardens, the tire pieces may be used by themselves, without the need for a stone foundation. Light raking turns the product and keeps it attractive, and debris is easily removed during raking, or by using a leaf-blower.
The indestructible
Two applications of rubber mulch have to do with playgrounds and horse arenas. On playgrounds, the product provides a tough ground cover, as well as a soft cushion against falls and injuries. In horse arenas, the product, when mixed with sand, provides excellent traction for horses, and added shock absorption, to lessen strain on animals. Available in a variety of colors to match any aesthetic, the product usually comes with a lifetime warranty.
Rubber mulch has landscaping applications. When used over planting beds, recycled tires allow water and nutrients to penetrate the soil, while providing protection against weed germination, and the elements. Unlike wood chips, recycled tires do not absorb water and nutrients meant for plants, and they do not blow away in the wind and the rain. Overall, the product reduces the time gardeners spend maintaining their beds, and reduces their long-term costs.
Installing and maintaining recycled tire ground covers are simple processes. In playgrounds and arenas, tires should be installed over four to six inches of crushed, packed stone. In gardens, the tire pieces may be used by themselves, without the need for a stone foundation. Light raking turns the product and keeps it attractive, and debris is easily removed during raking, or by using a leaf-blower.
The indestructible
Rubber mulch has landscaping applications. When used over planting beds, recycled tires allow water and nutrients to penetrate the soil, while providing protection against weed germination, and the elements. Unlike wood chips, recycled tires do not absorb water and nutrients meant for plants, and they do not blow away in the wind and the rain. Overall, the product reduces the time gardeners spend maintaining their beds, and reduces their long-term costs.
Installing and maintaining recycled tire ground covers are simple processes. In playgrounds and arenas, tires should be installed over four to six inches of crushed, packed stone. In gardens, the tire pieces may be used by themselves, without the need for a stone foundation. Light raking turns the product and keeps it attractive, and debris is easily removed during raking, or by using a leaf-blower.
The indestructible properties of vulcanized rubber mulch Orlando mean a long-term savings, even though it may cost more up-front than wood chips. Recycled tires reduce mud, dust, and insect presence, and require less maintenance than wood chips. Purchasers will be investing in environmental protection, while obtaining an attractive, low-maintenance option for their arena, playground, or garden.
Installing and maintaining recycled tire ground covers are simple processes. In playgrounds and arenas, tires should be installed over four to six inches of crushed, packed stone. In gardens, the tire pieces may be used by themselves, without the need for a stone foundation. Light raking turns the product and keeps it attractive, and debris is easily removed during raking, or by using a leaf-blower.
The indestructible properties of vulcanized rubber mulch Orlando mean a long-term savings, even though it may cost more up-front than wood chips. Recycled tires reduce mud, dust, and insect presence, and require less maintenance than wood chips. Purchasers will be investing in environmental protection, while obtaining an attractive, low-maintenance option for their arena, playground, or garden.