It is a widely understood fact that babies are adorable. They get to wear super cute and goofy looking clothes. When else in life can a person get away with wearing a sweater emblazoned with a clown without being teased? Most people think that there isn't much to being a baby. They think that babies come out of the womb as fully formed humans but without the ability to express themselves properly. While they do have seem to have only basic abilities and large needs, the truth is that babies are quite complex. Here are a few things that you might not already know about babies.
Babies have three hundred bones in their bodies when they are born. Fully grown adults only have two hundred and six bones in their bodies. The reason you have fewer bones as an adult is that some of the bones you are born with fuse with other bones-not because you lose anything along the way. Many believe that this is one of the main reasons that a baby is so much more flexible physically as an adult-because the bones are able to move independently of one another in infancy. If you stop to think about it, it does make some sense: when was the last time you could put your feet in your mouth?
Your baby, in spite of not being able to talk right away, will amaze you with the range of sounds that he or she can make almost as soon as he or she is born. This is due to the fact that a baby's larynx won't be finished developing until long after the baby has been born. Adult voice boxes have already begun to stiffen up, which is why babies are better at creating new sounds. Pay attention to your baby's sounds: it won't take long for him to assign specific sounds to specific needs or things. This is what teaches a mother to identify what it is her baby needs or wants simply by listening to the sounds he is making. Another interesting fact is that most babies' first words are simple words that involve the consonants and vowels that are made with the front of the mouth. It is because of this that a baby's first word is usually "dada" and not "mama": dada is easier to imitate and is almost always a surprise to both the parent and the baby!
Teething is one of the things new parents dread the most. Don't worry too much about when your child's first teeth will start to appear. Each baby is different and develops at his or her own pace so, even though you might have had three kids who started teething at six months, that doesn't mean that your newest baby will start at that time.
As your baby grows inside of you the rest of his body develops and the tail usually ends up disappearing-it sort of blends in to the rest of the body as it grows. The process is sort of like the way a tadpole's tail gets swallowed up by the body of the frog. Some people, however, have tails that do not completely disappear and they are born with them still somewhat intact. If a baby has a tail when it is born there are a couple of options: the parents can wait and hope the baby "grows out of it" or the parents can have the tail surgically removed.
Babies have three hundred bones in their bodies when they are born. Fully grown adults only have two hundred and six bones in their bodies. The reason you have fewer bones as an adult is that some of the bones you are born with fuse with other bones-not because you lose anything along the way. Many believe that this is one of the main reasons that a baby is so much more flexible physically as an adult-because the bones are able to move independently of one another in infancy. If you stop to think about it, it does make some sense: when was the last time you could put your feet in your mouth?
Your baby, in spite of not being able to talk right away, will amaze you with the range of sounds that he or she can make almost as soon as he or she is born. This is due to the fact that a baby's larynx won't be finished developing until long after the baby has been born. Adult voice boxes have already begun to stiffen up, which is why babies are better at creating new sounds. Pay attention to your baby's sounds: it won't take long for him to assign specific sounds to specific needs or things. This is what teaches a mother to identify what it is her baby needs or wants simply by listening to the sounds he is making. Another interesting fact is that most babies' first words are simple words that involve the consonants and vowels that are made with the front of the mouth. It is because of this that a baby's first word is usually "dada" and not "mama": dada is easier to imitate and is almost always a surprise to both the parent and the baby!
Teething is one of the things new parents dread the most. Don't worry too much about when your child's first teeth will start to appear. Each baby is different and develops at his or her own pace so, even though you might have had three kids who started teething at six months, that doesn't mean that your newest baby will start at that time.
As your baby grows inside of you the rest of his body develops and the tail usually ends up disappearing-it sort of blends in to the rest of the body as it grows. The process is sort of like the way a tadpole's tail gets swallowed up by the body of the frog. Some people, however, have tails that do not completely disappear and they are born with them still somewhat intact. If a baby has a tail when it is born there are a couple of options: the parents can wait and hope the baby "grows out of it" or the parents can have the tail surgically removed.
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