In case you look around you are going to notice a lot of people smoking cigars. However, only few of them are aware of the fact how to smoke properly. In case you have never smoked before then you have to devote much time to the process of choosing the cigar that will meet all of your requirements.
To choose the best cigar make sure that it consists only of tobacco and it will not be tense for you. Besides, there is no need to wear smoking jacket for smoking cigars. After that you have to look at you companions since it will help you to avoid making some serious mistakes. A lot of people who are smoking for the first time have to be aware of the fact that it is much better to choose thinner cigars.
If you have the cigar the next step you have to do is to cut off the end of the cigar and it is better to do that with the help of cigar cutter, since it is more effective. The head has to be chopped off horizontally. The next step you have to make is to light it up. Even though there are different ways of lighting the cigar, you are recommended to use special lighter.
Even though you can use different flames to light a cigar you are strongly recommended to use a cigar lighter because after certain period of time you are going to notice difference between lighting with the help of the lighter and with the help of the candle.
Smoking cigars requires some rules to be followed and if you are ware of all of them then you are going to enjoy smoking cigars all the time. Try to follow all of the above mentioned tips.
To choose the best cigar make sure that it consists only of tobacco and it will not be tense for you. Besides, there is no need to wear smoking jacket for smoking cigars. After that you have to look at you companions since it will help you to avoid making some serious mistakes. A lot of people who are smoking for the first time have to be aware of the fact that it is much better to choose thinner cigars.
If you have the cigar the next step you have to do is to cut off the end of the cigar and it is better to do that with the help of cigar cutter, since it is more effective. The head has to be chopped off horizontally. The next step you have to make is to light it up. Even though there are different ways of lighting the cigar, you are recommended to use special lighter.
Even though you can use different flames to light a cigar you are strongly recommended to use a cigar lighter because after certain period of time you are going to notice difference between lighting with the help of the lighter and with the help of the candle.
Smoking cigars requires some rules to be followed and if you are ware of all of them then you are going to enjoy smoking cigars all the time. Try to follow all of the above mentioned tips.
About the Author:
Cigar smoking has become very popular these days. If you like that too, you might want to get some accessories for it like cigarette lighter and cigar case. Proper accessories only add to the pleasure of tasting cigars.