There are landscaping design software programs that help to visualize what a finished yard will look like. Large structures are put in place first. Many families want an outdoor kitchen adjoining the patio and a fire pit. If a new patio is planned it should be located near the entrance to the house.
Who will be using the yard and what activities will they enjoy. If the family has small children, they may want a large playground or swing set. Common sense will prevent you from planting delicate flowers close to it. Consider bushes and sturdy decorative grasses until the children are older.
A row of sturdy pine trees at the edge of the property will appear as vigilant soldiers keeping watch on your gardens. One tree should be sturdy enough for children to climb. For the bird watchers, a bird feeder and house can be hung from the branch of a small tree near the patio. However, never plant a tree close to the home if it is expected to grow to be very tall.
To minimize gardening chores, plant perennial flowers. They bloom each year without further ado. If you like to experiment with new flowers and colors, annuals might be more suitable. Since they must be replaced each year, you can redecorate with new varieties and different colors. Do not forget spring flowers like tulips and daffodils. They are the first to bloom and announce the coming of summer.
Flowers are mandatory as part of any landscape design. Try geraniums and other easy to grow plants the first year. A hosta plant comes in many varieties, including one with white borders on the leaves. When a garden is planted against a fence, put the taller flowers in the back row. Show off the smallest blossoms in front of them. Pansies are very pretty as a front row flower. Use your favorite colors and a vivid imagination when planning flower beds. They are the final touch.
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Learn more about landscaping ideas. Stop by HomeFellas where you can find lawn care tips.