Baby Skin Care Techniques to Help New Parents

By Charles M. York

There is more to baby skin care than most new parents realize. Caring for your baby's skin means caring for all of a baby's skin. Newborn infants are especially prone to skin irritations and problems because it takes a while for their skin to get used to the world that exists outside of their mothers' wombs.

Proper baby skin care involves making smart decisions all day long. Everything from the clothes you put onto your baby to the soap you use at bath time will affect your baby's skin. Don't worry too much though because practicing good skin care for your baby does not have to be difficult or complex. With just a little bit of common sense it can be really simple. Here are some hints that you can use to help you as you figure out your new routine.

Believe it or not, your newborn and young infant does not need to have a bath every night. Most of the time young infants and newborns stay pretty clean. This is because they are mostly immobile and depend on their parents to get them from point A to point B. This means that parents can keep an eye out for things that will get the baby dirty or that could harm the baby's skin. When your baby is still a newborn, you only need to bathe your baby a couple of times a week as long as you keep his or her face clean.

Once your son our daughter is mobile you will want to start bathing him (or her) more often. Before allowing your baby to wear new clothes, play with new toys or use new bedding or towels, wash these items in a gentle and hypoallergenic detergent.

This will help get rid of any elements that might otherwise find their way onto your baby's skin and cause an irritation. This is one of things we continue to do as adults to make sure we protect our skin. Think about it: don't you usually wash new clothes before you wear them?

Newborn infants need products that are specifically created for them. Don't use skin care products meant for babies older than six months of age on your newborn. Your newborn's skin is still figuring out how to function and deal with a world outside of mother's womb.

You should also take extra precautions against sunlight with an umbrella and a hat. A cool, damp and soft cloth can be used to treat a sunburn that still manages to develop. Worrying about baby skin care is natural when you are a new parent. You might find yourself fighting the urge to bathe and clean the baby too often.

It won't take you long to learn that keeping your baby clean and caring for her skin (or his skin) is little more than keeping the baby out of dirt and practicing some common sense. You'll get the hang of it soon enough so don't panic.

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