Trumpet Vine, Rose of Sharon, Sumac, all three of these shrubs share the same beast-like tendencies. They are predators with a pack mentality that wants to ever expand, conquer and dominate new hunting grounds. In plain terms, they will spread everywhere if allowed to. They will grow outward from the spot of original planting; they will also spring up all over the yard at considerable distances where least expected or even wanted. If allowed to establish at any new location they will be that much harder to control. Constant vigilance will be required. This is not a war that can be ultimately won but a battle that will be fought over and again forever. Remember, though, that gardening, like life, is a journey and most of its greatest rewards come from surmounting the obstacles of the journey, not in reaching the end destination.
The rainforests are the biggest natural greenhouses on earth and are capable of sustaining life within it by producing its own food. As fears for food crisis grows in our world, scientists are looking into the resilient world of rainforests to find crops and plants that can fight the growing climatic shifts. So, the rainforests can be the only thing standing between humanity and starvation.
The rainforests are also home to millions of species of animals, each contributing to its ecosystem. For every drawer or kitchen cabinet built out of rainforest wood, we lose a few thousand of species, not even aware what role they played in our bio-diversity.
Next, rose of Sharon is a small tree and a member of the hibiscus family, a poor cousin perhaps but a hardy one. It will survive and flourish in cooler climate zones in the northern states and Canada where hibiscus will not. Its flower is somewhat smaller and less luxuriant than hibiscus but still beautiful and very plentiful exploding from the ends of its branches from mid-summer through autumn when many other garden flowers are starting to fade out. Shades of purple are dominant, ranging from pinkish tones to lighter mauves and deeper lilacs; some beauties however are bright white with a deep red heart.
The trees can be allowed to grow larger to center a yard or garden; they can also be kept smaller and trimmed into an inverted cone shape that gives them the appearance of a giant vase of flowers when in full bloom; finally, they can even be grown close together in a row to create an eye-catching hedge. Rose of Sharon, then, is also worth the effort of containing
The rainforests are also home to millions of species of animals, each contributing to its ecosystem. For every drawer or kitchen cabinet built out of rainforest wood, we lose a few thousand of species, not even aware what role they played in our bio-diversity.
Next, rose of Sharon is a small tree and a member of the hibiscus family, a poor cousin perhaps but a hardy one. It will survive and flourish in cooler climate zones in the northern states and Canada where hibiscus will not. Its flower is somewhat smaller and less luxuriant than hibiscus but still beautiful and very plentiful exploding from the ends of its branches from mid-summer through autumn when many other garden flowers are starting to fade out. Shades of purple are dominant, ranging from pinkish tones to lighter mauves and deeper lilacs; some beauties however are bright white with a deep red heart.
The trees can be allowed to grow larger to center a yard or garden; they can also be kept smaller and trimmed into an inverted cone shape that gives them the appearance of a giant vase of flowers when in full bloom; finally, they can even be grown close together in a row to create an eye-catching hedge. Rose of Sharon, then, is also worth the effort of containing
Next, rose of Sharon is a small tree and a member of the hibiscus family, a poor cousin perhaps but a hardy one. It will survive and flourish in cooler climate zones in the northern states and Canada where hibiscus will not. Its flower is somewhat smaller and less luxuriant than hibiscus but still beautiful and very plentiful exploding from the ends of its branches from mid-summer through autumn when many other garden flowers are starting to fade out. Shades of purple are dominant, ranging from pinkish tones to lighter mauves and deeper lilacs; some beauties however are bright white with a deep red heart.
The trees can be allowed to grow larger to center a yard or garden; they can also be kept smaller and trimmed into an inverted cone shape that gives them the appearance of a giant vase of flowers when in full bloom; finally, they can even be grown close together in a row to create an eye-catching hedge. Rose of Sharon, then, is also worth the effort of containing it. The leaves are long, pointed, green ovals that grow along either side of young branches, often weighing them down somewhat to give a drooping appearance; in the autumn when the colors change, they range from banana, through orange to bright pomegranate.
Costa Rican rainforests offer the world the most colorful and exotic flora and fauna in existence. Lush and fertile throughout the year, the rainforest offers tourists a chance to connect with nature and all of its natural beauty. The rainforest is a magical place that awes your eyes and rejuvenates your spirit. There are plenty of options for experiencing the rainforests- whether it be hiking, canoe riding, or gliding through the jungle canopy on the world famous rainforest aerial tram (rated one of Costa Rica's top tourist attractions). However you choose to experience Costa Rica's rainforests, a sense of peace and tranquility will consume you.
About the Author:
The trees can be allowed to grow larger to center a yard or garden; they can also be kept smaller and trimmed into an inverted cone shape that gives them the appearance of a giant vase of flowers when in full bloom; finally, they can even be grown close together in a row to create an eye-catching hedge. Rose of Sharon, then, is also worth the effort of containing it. The leaves are long, pointed, green ovals that grow along either side of young branches, often weighing them down somewhat to give a drooping appearance; in the autumn when the colors change, they range from banana, through orange to bright pomegranate.
Costa Rican rainforests offer the world the most colorful and exotic flora and fauna in existence. Lush and fertile throughout the year, the rainforest offers tourists a chance to connect with nature and all of its natural beauty. The rainforest is a magical place that awes your eyes and rejuvenates your spirit. There are plenty of options for experiencing the rainforests- whether it be hiking, canoe riding, or gliding through the jungle canopy on the world famous rainforest aerial tram (rated one of Costa Rica's top tourist attractions). However you choose to experience Costa Rica's rainforests, a sense of peace and tranquility will consume you.
About the Author:
Karen is an architect at a renowned firm in New York. Her vast experience makes her knowledge highly in demand worldwide. Her forte in Landscaping Services is unparalleled.