Take note of the shape, size and the style of your home. This will help you with your design for your garden. You'll want the garden and house to blend together. If the house is small, you may want a smaller garden, if it's rather large, you may want a large one. You will not want one or the other to over power each other.
While creating your plan and figuring out where to plant each plant or tree that you've chosen, be sure to know its fully grown size. You'll want to take this into consideration to make sure each plant has ample room to grow. The suns rays will move throughout your yard during the year. Be sure to know where your full sun and shade spots are.
Be sure you have the right soil for the type of garden and plants that you plant to plant. Also, check for any drainage problems in the yard. If there are drainage problems, these are the areas you may want to avoid planting or reroute the water path another direction.
Having a focal point and then planting around it, is a great idea and may help keep your design balanced. A focal point could be a large tree, bright colored flowers or garden art.
The Internet is a wonderful place to get started researching for your new landscape design. The more you know about the plants you will be planting, the less money you will be spending in the future in replanting.
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