If you are on a tight budget this year you will find many individuals find it a good thing to learn how to create your own Halloween window silhouettes rather than to buy Halloween decorations.
While not everyone celebrates Halloween, several individuals get into it. We run out and purchase smoke machines, light up decorations, and even inflatable objects. The only problem is these come with a cost and sometimes it's too much on our budget.
So do something different this year and create Halloween window silhouettes instead. Not only will it save you financially, but will bring about a unique appeal that many of your neighbors won't be utilizing. It's only going to take a couple minutes to explain how to create Halloween window silhouettes.
The first thing to do is hop on you computer and look up all the different Halloween designs. You will need to find one that serves as your base template when creating your Halloween window silhouettes. Some examples include:
Black Cats
Haunted Houses
When you've chosen your design, all you have to do is print them out. Some of these will be available in color, while others will be black and white. Either way it doesn't matter. If it is in color, you can color in the image with black crayon or marker.
Then, you can scan the image and print the saved scan out. If you do this, you will need to cut out the designs and then place them with tape or another type of adhesive.
However, if you don't want to mess with cutting everything out and place them on the window with an adhesive, use transparent film paper. You can print them out on regular printer paper, but try to get the black colored images in this case.
When you're ready to place it on the window you can simply rub it across your arm. This will create an adhesive base. Then all you have to do is place it on the window.
In the end it sticks easy, and will remain in place over the holiday. All it takes is a few minutes and you have yourself Halloween window silhouettes without spending anything but time.
While not everyone celebrates Halloween, several individuals get into it. We run out and purchase smoke machines, light up decorations, and even inflatable objects. The only problem is these come with a cost and sometimes it's too much on our budget.
So do something different this year and create Halloween window silhouettes instead. Not only will it save you financially, but will bring about a unique appeal that many of your neighbors won't be utilizing. It's only going to take a couple minutes to explain how to create Halloween window silhouettes.
The first thing to do is hop on you computer and look up all the different Halloween designs. You will need to find one that serves as your base template when creating your Halloween window silhouettes. Some examples include:
Black Cats
Haunted Houses
When you've chosen your design, all you have to do is print them out. Some of these will be available in color, while others will be black and white. Either way it doesn't matter. If it is in color, you can color in the image with black crayon or marker.
Then, you can scan the image and print the saved scan out. If you do this, you will need to cut out the designs and then place them with tape or another type of adhesive.
However, if you don't want to mess with cutting everything out and place them on the window with an adhesive, use transparent film paper. You can print them out on regular printer paper, but try to get the black colored images in this case.
When you're ready to place it on the window you can simply rub it across your arm. This will create an adhesive base. Then all you have to do is place it on the window.
In the end it sticks easy, and will remain in place over the holiday. All it takes is a few minutes and you have yourself Halloween window silhouettes without spending anything but time.
About the Author:
Halloween is upon us again and everyone is excited so let us at spookynite.com help you with resources and information for Halloween costumes, Halloween Decorations, Halloween Window Silhouettes and a extra things you may be looking for on Halloween party accessories to create the perfect atmosphere this season.