You have brought home your new guinea pig (s), selected a suitable and roomy cage - now, where do you put it? A) Garage, B) Closet C) In front of a window D) None of the above. The right answer is D) none of the above. Among other requirements, guinea pigs need to be housed in an area with a stable temperature - free of drafts and out of direct sunshine. Finding a suitable location for guinea pig cages is a job that requires careful dilligence and thought. When locating your pigs "new home" in your home, several factors should be considered.
Extreme Temperatures Should be Avoided.
Extreme Temperatures Should be Avoided.
Your pigs do not tolerate extreme heat or cold very well at all. They should be kept in a room-temperature environment - a relatively narrow range of approximately 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 24 degrees Celsius). This requirement immediately rules out several areas in your home. Avoid placing the cage directly on or next to heat registers, directly in front of a window, next to a radiator or hearth or next to the stove. Also make sure to avoid locating your pigs anywhere where they may be subjected to cool drafts. The garage is out - too hot in summer too cold in winter. (The garage poses an extra hazard in that your pigs will be exposed to poisonous carbon monoxide gas on a consistent basis.) In terms of temperature: a rule of thumb is that your pigs are comfortable when you are. If you are too hot or too cold, the chances are your guinea pigs are too.
Avoid Damp or Wet Areas
Guinea pigs' respiratory systems are not the most robust. Cavies tend to be quite sensitive to upper respiratory diseases. As such, placement in high-humidity locations like your laundry room or near showers and baths also should be avoided. Also be cautious about placing your cavies in a basement area unless a dehumidifier has been installed and the area is well lit.
Avoid Solitude
Guinea pigs are social creatures. As such, they generally prefer to be around activity. Place your pig in or near a reasonably high activity area. Great places are generally in the kitchen, living room, great room or family room - or wherever your family typically congregates in the home. Avoid placing your pigs' home in rooms where it will undergo long periods of isolation or low traffic such as a child's bedroom, in the cellar or in a back h
Avoid Damp or Wet Areas
Guinea pigs' respiratory systems are not the most robust. Cavies tend to be quite sensitive to upper respiratory diseases. As such, placement in high-humidity locations like your laundry room or near showers and baths also should be avoided. Also be cautious about placing your cavies in a basement area unless a dehumidifier has been installed and the area is well lit.
Avoid Solitude
Guinea pigs are social creatures. As such, they generally prefer to be around activity. Place your pig in or near a reasonably high activity area. Great places are generally in the kitchen, living room, great room or family room - or wherever your family typically congregates in the home. Avoid placing your pigs' home in rooms where it will undergo long periods of isolation or low traffic such as a child's bedroom, in the cellar or in a back h
Guinea pigs' respiratory systems are not the most robust. Cavies tend to be quite sensitive to upper respiratory diseases. As such, placement in high-humidity locations like your laundry room or near showers and baths also should be avoided. Also be cautious about placing your cavies in a basement area unless a dehumidifier has been installed and the area is well lit.
Avoid Solitude
Guinea pigs are social creatures. As such, they generally prefer to be around activity. Place your pig in or near a reasonably high activity area. Great places are generally in the kitchen, living room, great room or family room - or wherever your family typically congregates in the home. Avoid placing your pigs' home in rooms where it will undergo long periods of isolation or low traffic such as a child's bedroom, in the cellar or in a back hall.
Selecting a quality guinea pig cage is only the beginning task in creating a safe and healthy environment for your pet. Choosing an appropriate location in your home is a similarly important task. Pick a location with a stable and moderate temperature and low humidity. Additionally, select a location in which your family can share their routine activities with your pigs. Remember - your guinea pigs are family members too.
About the Author:
Avoid Solitude
Guinea pigs are social creatures. As such, they generally prefer to be around activity. Place your pig in or near a reasonably high activity area. Great places are generally in the kitchen, living room, great room or family room - or wherever your family typically congregates in the home. Avoid placing your pigs' home in rooms where it will undergo long periods of isolation or low traffic such as a child's bedroom, in the cellar or in a back hall.
Selecting a quality guinea pig cage is only the beginning task in creating a safe and healthy environment for your pet. Choosing an appropriate location in your home is a similarly important task. Pick a location with a stable and moderate temperature and low humidity. Additionally, select a location in which your family can share their routine activities with your pigs. Remember - your guinea pigs are family members too.
About the Author:
C&C cages offer a lot of cage for the money and you do can make the choice to design and build one yourself. Otherwise, you can also purchase one online in kit form from a credible seller. We here at BlueStoneCommerce are guinea pig owners as well as sellers of comfortable and roomy guinea pig cages. So if you're searching for a lot of guinea pig cage for the money, CLICK HERE--> Guinea Pig Cages to GET A SPECIAL DISCOUNT.