Secondary amenorrhoea
This is the earliest symptom . If a female in the reproductive age presents with missed periods, she is perceived as pregnant until proven otherwise. Diagnosis of pregnancy only by this symptom will become difficult if a female gets pregnant while she's in lactational amenorrhoea. And occasionally there can be bleeding per vagina up to 12 weeks of pregnancy until mixture of decidua vera with decidua capsularis happens. This bleeding is dissimilar to that of menstrual bleeding in amount and color. Therefore when inquiring about the last menstrual period it is really important to make an inquiry about whether it was similar to her previous menstrual period. It is also important to inquire whether she had been on standard contraceptives as it could also affect the constancy of the menstrual cycle.
Early morning sickness
This is the commonest symptom being present in about 75% to 80% of pregnant women. They'll present with symptoms like revulsion, vomiting, faintishness and fatigue which will start around 5th to 8th week of pregnancy and become maximum around 10th week then settles by 12th to 14th week. The progression of the symptoms follows the hCG curve. So these symptoms are thought to be associated with the increased levels of hCG hormone.
Secondary amenorrhoea
This is the earliest symptom . If a female in the reproductive age presents with missed periods, she is perceived as pregnant until proven otherwise. Diagnosis of pregnancy only by this symptom will become difficult if a female gets pregnant while she's in lactational amenorrhoea. And occasionally there can be bleeding per vagina up to 12 weeks of pregnancy until mixture of decidua vera with decidua capsularis happens. This bleeding is dissimilar to that of menstrual bleeding in amount and color. Therefore when inquiring about the last menstrual period it is really important to make an inquiry about whether it was similar to her previous menstrual period. It is also important to inquire whether she had been on standard contraceptives as it could also affect the constancy of the menstrual cycle.
Early morning sickness
This is the commonest symptom being present in about 75% to 80% of pregnant women. They'll present with symptoms like revulsion, vomiting, faintishness and fatigue which will start around 5th to 8th week of pregnancy and become maximum around 10th week then settles by 12th to 14th week. The progression of the symptoms follows the hCG curve. So these symptoms are thought to be associated with the increased levels of hCG hormone.
If the symptoms are dreadful enough to affect day to day activities of the woman it is important to disallow medical, surgical and gynecological causes that will give rise to these symptoms.
E.g : Hyperemisis "viral hepatitis, intestinal obstruction, pyelonephritis
The time of appearance of the above symptoms may be employed to get an idea about the period of gestation so that a crude prophecy of the expected date of delivery can be ascertained.
Increased frequency of micturition
This is due to pressure by the enlarged anteverted uterus, increased vascularity of the bladder and stretching of the lower part of the bladder by the enlarging cervix. If show includes features evidential of other pathologies such as diabetes mellitus and urine canal diseases one must be completely researched.
Breast pain
There will be sense of fullness, shivering sensation and discomfort in the knockers which starts around 6th to 7th week of pregnancy. This is typically due to raised estrogen level causing fluid retention and distention of the juggs. It is vital to inquire about the breast symptoms, as these have a tendency to disappear in case of a missed miscarriage.
Abdominal enlargement
This will be only mild as the uterus is still a pelvic organ in the 1st trimester. Growth of abdomen is due to relaxing of abdominal smooth muscles under the influence of progesterone. Bloated feeling complained by lot of females is thanks to the generalized fluid retention under the influence of steroid hormones secreted when pregnant.
Vital signs that help in diagnosis of pregnancy are noted in the breasts and pelvis.
There is increased pigmentation round the nipple leading to formation of first areola around 1st to 2nd month of being pregnant (in primi mummies) which will then endure thru out life. There will be expansion of sebaceous glands leading to formation of Montgomery tubercles round the nipple.
Pelvic examination
Jacquemier's sign
There's bluish discoloring of the vestibule and the anterior vaginal wall because of increased vascularity seen around 8th week of pregnancy.
Cervical changes
Before pregnant firm cervix become soft by about 42nd day of the wonderful pregnant period. On inspection there's a bluish blotching of the cervix due to hyperaemia.
Osiander's sign
During per vaginal exam increase palpitation is felt in the lateral fornices around 8th week of pregnancy thanks to increased blood flow through the uterine arteries.
Hegar's sign
This alludes to the sensation experienced by the fingers in bimanual examination, of about meeting. This is thanks to the acute softening of the isthmus of the uterus
E.g : Hyperemisis "viral hepatitis, intestinal obstruction, pyelonephritis
The time of appearance of the above symptoms may be employed to get an idea about the period of gestation so that a crude prophecy of the expected date of delivery can be ascertained.
Increased frequency of micturition
This is due to pressure by the enlarged anteverted uterus, increased vascularity of the bladder and stretching of the lower part of the bladder by the enlarging cervix. If show includes features evidential of other pathologies such as diabetes mellitus and urine canal diseases one must be completely researched.
Breast pain
There will be sense of fullness, shivering sensation and discomfort in the knockers which starts around 6th to 7th week of pregnancy. This is typically due to raised estrogen level causing fluid retention and distention of the juggs. It is vital to inquire about the breast symptoms, as these have a tendency to disappear in case of a missed miscarriage.
Abdominal enlargement
This will be only mild as the uterus is still a pelvic organ in the 1st trimester. Growth of abdomen is due to relaxing of abdominal smooth muscles under the influence of progesterone. Bloated feeling complained by lot of females is thanks to the generalized fluid retention under the influence of steroid hormones secreted when pregnant.
Vital signs that help in diagnosis of pregnancy are noted in the breasts and pelvis.
There is increased pigmentation round the nipple leading to formation of first areola around 1st to 2nd month of being pregnant (in primi mummies) which will then endure thru out life. There will be expansion of sebaceous glands leading to formation of Montgomery tubercles round the nipple.
Pelvic examination
Jacquemier's sign
There's bluish discoloring of the vestibule and the anterior vaginal wall because of increased vascularity seen around 8th week of pregnancy.
Cervical changes
Before pregnant firm cervix become soft by about 42nd day of the wonderful pregnant period. On inspection there's a bluish blotching of the cervix due to hyperaemia.
Osiander's sign
During per vaginal exam increase palpitation is felt in the lateral fornices around 8th week of pregnancy thanks to increased blood flow through the uterine arteries.
Hegar's sign
This alludes to the sensation experienced by the fingers in bimanual examination, of about meeting. This is thanks to the acute softening of the isthmus of the uterus
This will be only mild as the uterus is still a pelvic organ in the 1st trimester. Growth of abdomen is due to relaxing of abdominal smooth muscles under the influence of progesterone. Bloated feeling complained by lot of females is thanks to the generalized fluid retention under the influence of steroid hormones secreted when pregnant.
Vital signs that help in diagnosis of pregnancy are noted in the breasts and pelvis.
There is increased pigmentation round the nipple leading to formation of first areola around 1st to 2nd month of being pregnant (in primi mummies) which will then endure thru out life. There will be expansion of sebaceous glands leading to formation of Montgomery tubercles round the nipple.
Pelvic examination
Jacquemier's sign
There's bluish discoloring of the vestibule and the anterior vaginal wall because of increased vascularity seen around 8th week of pregnancy.
Cervical changes
Before pregnant firm cervix become soft by about 42nd day of the wonderful pregnant period. On inspection there's a bluish blotching of the cervix due to hyperaemia.
Osiander's sign
During per vaginal exam increase palpitation is felt in the lateral fornices around 8th week of pregnancy thanks to increased blood flow through the uterine arteries.
Hegar's sign
This alludes to the sensation experienced by the fingers in bimanual examination, of about meeting. This is thanks to the acute softening of the isthmus of the uterus around 42nd to 70th day of pregnant period.
Uterine enlargement
On bimanual examination uterus is felt to be enlarged "by 8th week its size is about that of a lime. By about 12th week it is enlarged to the size of a grape fruit and can be palpated just above the symphysis pubis. This will not be possible if the uterus is retroverted.
Vital signs that help in diagnosis of pregnancy are noted in the breasts and pelvis.
There is increased pigmentation round the nipple leading to formation of first areola around 1st to 2nd month of being pregnant (in primi mummies) which will then endure thru out life. There will be expansion of sebaceous glands leading to formation of Montgomery tubercles round the nipple.
Pelvic examination
Jacquemier's sign
There's bluish discoloring of the vestibule and the anterior vaginal wall because of increased vascularity seen around 8th week of pregnancy.
Cervical changes
Before pregnant firm cervix become soft by about 42nd day of the wonderful pregnant period. On inspection there's a bluish blotching of the cervix due to hyperaemia.
Osiander's sign
During per vaginal exam increase palpitation is felt in the lateral fornices around 8th week of pregnancy thanks to increased blood flow through the uterine arteries.
Hegar's sign
This alludes to the sensation experienced by the fingers in bimanual examination, of about meeting. This is thanks to the acute softening of the isthmus of the uterus around 42nd to 70th day of pregnant period.
Uterine enlargement
On bimanual examination uterus is felt to be enlarged "by 8th week its size is about that of a lime. By about 12th week it is enlarged to the size of a grape fruit and can be palpated just above the symphysis pubis. This will not be possible if the uterus is retroverted.