Having a fussy baby is not unusual. It doesn't make you a bad parent. In fact, many babies typically cry for around two or three hours a day. A baby doesn't have a lot of means to communicate with you since they can't talk yet. So, they cry. Sometimes, their crying basically means:
He is famished! He is worn out! He is frightened!
What other reasons may be causing your child to cry? A few elementary mama exams might clue you in. Outfits can get wadded or bunched up and then make baby miserable. Clothing may also get wet from a leaky diaper and then make infant crabby. A diaper that should be changed is also a source of discontent for child. How would you like to sit around in a wet diaper? You would be annoyed too.
Then offer the child a bottle. If they do not eat and are not hungry, then try burping for at least 5 minutes.
If none of the above deliver the results, you could try these things:
Swaddling: This can be the best approach to create a sense of security in the newborn. To do this wrap your infant up like a burrito in blanket and hold him firmly.
Shushing. This works perfectly and puts your infant at peace. Your shushing should be at the same level to that of baby's crying level.
Swinging. You can even try rocking or swinging. Either motion will often quiet down the crying baby. Not only this, bouncy chairs and car rides may also work miracles.
Singing. You know that infants enjoy hearing known voices. It is not critical what you say or sing or which language you make use of. This technique soothes a crabby baby.
White noise. This is a noise that imitates the swishing noise in the mother's tummy that your newborn heard consistently for 9 months. Alternatively, vacuums, fans or hair dryers might also supply the comparable benefit. White noise can readily obtained from the internet. Colic Sweep Vacuum Cleaner White Noise is a very effective type of white noise created especially for fussy or colicky babies. The Colic Sweep mp3 can be obtained on Amazon.com or iTunes.
Try out one or each of the approaches outlined and you are on your way to a calm, cool and collected infant.
He is famished! He is worn out! He is frightened!
What other reasons may be causing your child to cry? A few elementary mama exams might clue you in. Outfits can get wadded or bunched up and then make baby miserable. Clothing may also get wet from a leaky diaper and then make infant crabby. A diaper that should be changed is also a source of discontent for child. How would you like to sit around in a wet diaper? You would be annoyed too.
Then offer the child a bottle. If they do not eat and are not hungry, then try burping for at least 5 minutes.
If none of the above deliver the results, you could try these things:
Swaddling: This can be the best approach to create a sense of security in the newborn. To do this wrap your infant up like a burrito in blanket and hold him firmly.
Shushing. This works perfectly and puts your infant at peace. Your shushing should be at the same level to that of baby's crying level.
Swinging. You can even try rocking or swinging. Either motion will often quiet down the crying baby. Not only this, bouncy chairs and car rides may also work miracles.
Singing. You know that infants enjoy hearing known voices. It is not critical what you say or sing or which language you make use of. This technique soothes a crabby baby.
White noise. This is a noise that imitates the swishing noise in the mother's tummy that your newborn heard consistently for 9 months. Alternatively, vacuums, fans or hair dryers might also supply the comparable benefit. White noise can readily obtained from the internet. Colic Sweep Vacuum Cleaner White Noise is a very effective type of white noise created especially for fussy or colicky babies. The Colic Sweep mp3 can be obtained on Amazon.com or iTunes.
Try out one or each of the approaches outlined and you are on your way to a calm, cool and collected infant.