If elderly people were asked they would prefer in home care Beverly Hills, as opposed to moving into a nursing home or assisted living community. It is common for elderly people to refuse help because they believe to accept help is a sign of weakness. But to need assistance with day to day activities is not a weakness, but a medical necessity for some people.
The fact is that the elderly view outside help as a threat to their independence or even an invasion to their privacy. But, there are ways to convince the elderly parent that outside assistance is the a wise option. If both mother and father are alive, and residing together, direct attention to the parent who is stronger physically.
If both parents are alive, then focus the discussion on the more capable parent. Speak to the parent who needs help and explain that mom or dad could use help because he or she is struggling to keep the household in order. This is not manipulating the situation, it is merely explaining that one parent is being strained and needs outside help.
Bringing in a person to help with household chores will not be an invasion of their privacy and will be less of a threat to their independence than it would be to hire someone to assist with personal care before trust is built. The idea is to encourage the elderly parent realize the advantages of an outside caregiver and then to allow a bond of trust to form between the caregiver and the parents.
Many elderly parents who live alone do not want to consider help for themselves, but will consider help for their children. Adult children should suggest bringing in outside assistance in order to make their duties easier. In other words, adult son or daughter should explain to elderly mom or dad, that son or daughter needs help taking care of mom or dad.
Take account of what needs the elderly parents have. It is not easy to admit that one's parents need outside assistance, but this is the reality that has to be addressed. Convincing parents they need assistance is not always easy, but is necessary.
Many elderly parents will initially balk at the idea of in home care Beverly Hills. But, if assistance is necessary, then adult children should suggest the idea, but tactfully. Elderly parents should be encouraged to accept outside assistance, but their feelings should be considered.
The fact is that the elderly view outside help as a threat to their independence or even an invasion to their privacy. But, there are ways to convince the elderly parent that outside assistance is the a wise option. If both mother and father are alive, and residing together, direct attention to the parent who is stronger physically.
If both parents are alive, then focus the discussion on the more capable parent. Speak to the parent who needs help and explain that mom or dad could use help because he or she is struggling to keep the household in order. This is not manipulating the situation, it is merely explaining that one parent is being strained and needs outside help.
Bringing in a person to help with household chores will not be an invasion of their privacy and will be less of a threat to their independence than it would be to hire someone to assist with personal care before trust is built. The idea is to encourage the elderly parent realize the advantages of an outside caregiver and then to allow a bond of trust to form between the caregiver and the parents.
Many elderly parents who live alone do not want to consider help for themselves, but will consider help for their children. Adult children should suggest bringing in outside assistance in order to make their duties easier. In other words, adult son or daughter should explain to elderly mom or dad, that son or daughter needs help taking care of mom or dad.
Take account of what needs the elderly parents have. It is not easy to admit that one's parents need outside assistance, but this is the reality that has to be addressed. Convincing parents they need assistance is not always easy, but is necessary.
Many elderly parents will initially balk at the idea of in home care Beverly Hills. But, if assistance is necessary, then adult children should suggest the idea, but tactfully. Elderly parents should be encouraged to accept outside assistance, but their feelings should be considered.