Landscaping Lessons - Simplicity as a Principle of Landscape Design

By Helen Whitfield

Many people consider that achieving new information can be very fulfilling and a step in their evolution. Since there is a saying that we learn as we live, all of us try to improve at a larger scale. For example in the area of landscaping, for those who are passionate about aesthetic and bringing a little piece of nature into their court yard , they can take lessons and remodel the garden as they please.

Landscaping lessons are not very difficult to take; you just need ambition, passion and a little bit of time. Simplicity as a principle of landscape design is a concept that reduces or eliminates nonessentials to eschew a chaotic look. This brings unity in your project and gives it meaning. Many designers preserve the integrity of a landscape just by removing some items that were thoughtfully perceived before.

A way in identifying the true goal of your design is simplicity, because you are not adding different kinds of elements that will lead in the end at a total failure. Since vanity and overestimation are overrated, nobody needs to be criticized for their bad ideas. When some elements are used too much in your design, you give the idea of repeating which is not that bad sometimes, but you have to pay attention because using an element too many times may show a bad sense of place.

Landscaping lessons can be affordable for everybody and even for free. How is that possible? Well, you just need to go to the library, or have a friend that studies architecture. You will learn that there are many principles that landscaping is based on. Simplicity as a principle of landscape design will be among the first things that you will learn.

Most of the home landscapers do not see simplicity as a principle of landscape design. Most of them believe that this is more complicated and needs more attention and all sorts of features. Well, it is not like that, just by adding some simple and nice objects you can give a personal and beautiful touch to your garden. You do not have to imply that simplicity means to create a landscape without character; it just means that you should maintain the design among those other principles such as unity, repetition, order, balance etc. Try to preserve the main idea without filling it with undesired features and give a simple, natural aspect to the outdoor space design.

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