In the past, once a couple gets married, they are immediately expected to try for a baby right away. Not so today, when couples wait for as long as a few years before even planning to conceive. Unfortunately, after such a long time of waiting, some women find themselves frustratingly unable to get pregnant right away. If you are one of these women, do not worry. Today, it is no longer a mystery how to increase your fertility as well as your partner's-naturally. If you and your partner follow these three simple tips, you can be sure to increase your chances of conceiving as soon as possible.
1) For you Get to know your ovulation cycle as soon as you can. This may prove to be a little difficult if you have only recently gotten off the pill (and other forms of contraception), as you may find yourself having irregular cycles for a few months or so. Get the most out of this knowledge by trying for a baby on these most fertile days.Once you have your ovulation calendar down pat, however, it will be easier to track which days an egg will most probably be released.
2) For your partner Studies prove that men whose testicles are overheated have lower sperm counts. Wearing the right undergarments can actually increase your partner's sperm count. Encourage your partner, then, to wear loose-fitting cotton boxers instead of briefs. He should also start avoiding other tight-fitting clothes and hot baths. In relation to this, sperm count is also higher in the morning, so you may want to take advantage of this by making love during that time.
3) For the two of you The right sexual position is, in fact, one of the best things to learn how to increase your fertility naturally. The best positions should allow the sperm to be deposited as closely to the cervix as possible. Experts usually recommend the missionary position for this. You can also try rear-entry positions, especially if you have a tipped uterus. On the flipside, try to avoid intercourse positions where you are on top or where you are standing up, as these would cause the semen to leak.
Even keeping yourself healthy by eating right and exercising right can actually help you, as well as getting rid of all vices like smoking, doing drugs and drinking alcohol.There are other methods you can learn how to get pregnant fast. You should also consider going to your doctor first, in order to get expert advice.
1) For you Get to know your ovulation cycle as soon as you can. This may prove to be a little difficult if you have only recently gotten off the pill (and other forms of contraception), as you may find yourself having irregular cycles for a few months or so. Get the most out of this knowledge by trying for a baby on these most fertile days.Once you have your ovulation calendar down pat, however, it will be easier to track which days an egg will most probably be released.
2) For your partner Studies prove that men whose testicles are overheated have lower sperm counts. Wearing the right undergarments can actually increase your partner's sperm count. Encourage your partner, then, to wear loose-fitting cotton boxers instead of briefs. He should also start avoiding other tight-fitting clothes and hot baths. In relation to this, sperm count is also higher in the morning, so you may want to take advantage of this by making love during that time.
3) For the two of you The right sexual position is, in fact, one of the best things to learn how to increase your fertility naturally. The best positions should allow the sperm to be deposited as closely to the cervix as possible. Experts usually recommend the missionary position for this. You can also try rear-entry positions, especially if you have a tipped uterus. On the flipside, try to avoid intercourse positions where you are on top or where you are standing up, as these would cause the semen to leak.
Even keeping yourself healthy by eating right and exercising right can actually help you, as well as getting rid of all vices like smoking, doing drugs and drinking alcohol.There are other methods you can learn how to get pregnant fast. You should also consider going to your doctor first, in order to get expert advice.
About the Author:
Looking for tips on how to increase your fertility? Find out how my wife discovered a technique which helps her to get pregnant in 8 weeks. This technique on how to get pregnant fast was practiced by thousands of women all around the world to eliminate infertility issues.