What Types Of Flowers Do Great In The Spring?

By Rebecca Lane

After going through the long stretch of winter, everybody sighs with relief at the thought of spring coming. And of course, when we think spring, we think flowers. But are there any flowers that are better than others for spring? You can expect seeing beautiful flowers sprout in your yard in the spring if you take the time to plant bulbs in the fall or mid-winter. There are of course flowering plants that you can purchase from your local nursery, but you will want to make sure any chance of freezing weather has passed before planting and in many areas of the country, spring does not arrive until late in the season and by that time you will want to plants flowers in anticipation of summer. Another option is to plant bulbs that have been grown in pots at garden centers, which are ready to be planted in the spring. Here is a list of different plants that, if planted now, will produce flowers in the early spring.

Eranthis Hyemalis, better known as winter aconite, will produce large, buttercup-shaped yellow flowers that are about three inches high. These particular bulbs may begin to flower as early as January if you live in a warm area and you will get the best results if you plant them in masses as they grow low to the ground.

Glory Of The Snow, or Chionodoxa luciliare, produce flowers that are bright blue with a white center. These plants often grow up to six to ten inches tall, and they make wonderful borders. You may also be able to find white/pink varieties depending on the area in which you live.

If you enjoy "droopy" flowers, you will love the Leucojum Vernum, or Spring snowflake, a plant which blooms with bell-shaped flowers that droop from the green part. These plants are about six to twelve inches tall, and the flowers are white with tiny green spots at the end-part of the petals. They are usually planted in small clumps, and their blooming season is late February to early March. As with any other springtime bulb, they are best planted in the fall but you can plant in the mid to late winter if you purchase potted bulbs that have already begun the growing cycle.

The Iris reticulate, commonly known as Netted Iris, have a lovely scent, and although they are most commonly found in purple colors, they can occasionally also be found in blue and white. Their blooming season is usually March. As with any other type of bulb, after several growing seasons you will have to thin the bulbs from time to time, as they tend to reproduce rapidly and could actually begin to stunt the growth of the plants due to over-crowding.

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