I am a children's storyteller. I grew up in Ireland where storytelling is a profession. I listened to the real McCoys on a regular basis. I relived those stories in my childhood adventures. My childhood in Ireland was the wealthiest any child could have. I don't mean material or monetary wealth, as that type lifestyle did not exist in my world. Even though times were extremely tough, I was oblivious to that. That burden lay on my parent's shoulders, John & Evelyn O'Leary.
I portray in my stories the simplest of things we did growing up. Fishing at Magandy's Pond with a bamboo pole, a lollipop float, and homemade dough bait. Picking blackberries and mushrooms for the sole purpose of much needed food. Not forgetting the treat that it was to ride ponies bareback in the Irish countryside. We were absolutely penniless and not a care in the world. Our imaginations kept us going, and going, and going.
I portray in my stories the simplest of things we did growing up. Fishing at Magandy's Pond with a bamboo pole, a lollipop float, and homemade dough bait. Picking blackberries and mushrooms for the sole purpose of much needed food. Not forgetting the treat that it was to ride ponies bareback in the Irish countryside. We were absolutely penniless and not a care in the world. Our imaginations kept us going, and going, and going.
We had many an issue to deal with, but we took them in our strides. School issues, friend issues, home issues, and whatever else came our way. On we went and continued with our childhood. Our resilient Irish nature was born and our characters were established. As children we believed leprechauns brought us good luck, the banshee brought us bad luck, and Santa Claus brought us whatever we asked for every Christmas.
I took a part of my Irish childhood, with snippets of yarns from the days of yore. I volunteered to share them at my local library to the children. Parents and grandparents also lent me their ears together with passers-by, and my audiences grew. My Irish fairy-tales in my Irish brogue became a hit. I recognized the fact that my American audience really enjoyed me sharing a little Blarney with them.
As I travel around and read to the kids, I realize storytelling is as exciting a pastime for them as it was for me, they truly love a storyteller. Children haven't changed over the years, a good old fashioned fairytale is always welcome. The imagination of a child kicks into high gear and their ingenuous minds go to work.
The impact of a fairytale can plant an imaginative seed. Albert Einstein, the patron of imagination says it best, "If you want your children to be brilliant read them fairy-tales, if you want them to be geniuses read them more fairy-tales. A simple fairytale can influence a child to the point where they minds broaden and creativity seeps in.
Often regarded as the father of modern physics and one of the most prolific intellects in history, Albert Einstein also embraced and credited his imagination to his achievements, "I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge, Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."
Bottom line, by fueling our children's imagin
I took a part of my Irish childhood, with snippets of yarns from the days of yore. I volunteered to share them at my local library to the children. Parents and grandparents also lent me their ears together with passers-by, and my audiences grew. My Irish fairy-tales in my Irish brogue became a hit. I recognized the fact that my American audience really enjoyed me sharing a little Blarney with them.
As I travel around and read to the kids, I realize storytelling is as exciting a pastime for them as it was for me, they truly love a storyteller. Children haven't changed over the years, a good old fashioned fairytale is always welcome. The imagination of a child kicks into high gear and their ingenuous minds go to work.
The impact of a fairytale can plant an imaginative seed. Albert Einstein, the patron of imagination says it best, "If you want your children to be brilliant read them fairy-tales, if you want them to be geniuses read them more fairy-tales. A simple fairytale can influence a child to the point where they minds broaden and creativity seeps in.
Often regarded as the father of modern physics and one of the most prolific intellects in history, Albert Einstein also embraced and credited his imagination to his achievements, "I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge, Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."
Bottom line, by fueling our children's imagin
As I travel around and read to the kids, I realize storytelling is as exciting a pastime for them as it was for me, they truly love a storyteller. Children haven't changed over the years, a good old fashioned fairytale is always welcome. The imagination of a child kicks into high gear and their ingenuous minds go to work.
The impact of a fairytale can plant an imaginative seed. Albert Einstein, the patron of imagination says it best, "If you want your children to be brilliant read them fairy-tales, if you want them to be geniuses read them more fairy-tales. A simple fairytale can influence a child to the point where they minds broaden and creativity seeps in.
Often regarded as the father of modern physics and one of the most prolific intellects in history, Albert Einstein also embraced and credited his imagination to his achievements, "I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge, Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."
Bottom line, by fueling our children's imagination's, we broaden their horizons. Fairy-tales can unlock the despondent mind. A child's mind is creative anyway, but imagine how much more creative they can be, if we would only read them fairy-tales.
About the Author:
The impact of a fairytale can plant an imaginative seed. Albert Einstein, the patron of imagination says it best, "If you want your children to be brilliant read them fairy-tales, if you want them to be geniuses read them more fairy-tales. A simple fairytale can influence a child to the point where they minds broaden and creativity seeps in.
Often regarded as the father of modern physics and one of the most prolific intellects in history, Albert Einstein also embraced and credited his imagination to his achievements, "I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge, Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."
Bottom line, by fueling our children's imagination's, we broaden their horizons. Fairy-tales can unlock the despondent mind. A child's mind is creative anyway, but imagine how much more creative they can be, if we would only read them fairy-tales.
About the Author:
Annette wants to share part of her childhood with kids far and wide. There is nothing quite like an old fashioned Irish fairytale to bring a smile to a child's face. Download now free mp3, 3hrs 15mins and beautifully illustrated 99 page ebook. This article, The Power of a Fairytale is released under a creative commons attribution license.