Goats have been serving our needs as early as 10,000 B.C., probably even before we have learned to domesticate cows and sheep. Because of their capability to survive on the most meager of herbs, bushes and scrubs, they are also ideal agricultural animals for countries with environments like those in Africa. If you're thinking of raising livestock for business but is stymied by a shoestring budget, the answer to your problem is goat keeping.
Goat keeping is also a primary source of food and income in mountainous regions like Tibet and Mongolia. This trait also makes them attractive to farmers from Third World countries because of their relative cost-effectiveness. In fact, certain charities and organizations donate herds of goats to poor communities in order to provide them with livelihood.
Goat keeping is also a primary source of food and income in mountainous regions like Tibet and Mongolia. This trait also makes them attractive to farmers from Third World countries because of their relative cost-effectiveness. In fact, certain charities and organizations donate herds of goats to poor communities in order to provide them with livelihood.
Despite its scruffy appearance, the goat yields various products for consumption. Asides from being a good source of meat when keeping goats, its milk can be converted to yoghurt and cheese. If you are unfortunate enough to have cow's milk as allergens, you can find a great alternative in goat's milk. Certain breeds like the Angora yield thick strands of hair called mohair which can be used for the creation of textiles. There are however, shorter hairs found nearer to the skin of the animal which are common in Cashmere and Pashmina goats. Producing textiles out of these will give you more profit.
There are many dimensions in raising goats. First, you must identify the needs of your chief buyers. These needs will dictate which breed you will get as each one boasts different strengths on the areas of meat, milk, and hair. Therefore you will not use a goat of LaMancha stock to produce hair when Angoras are the more efficient breed for that. In the same respect, the former produces more milk than the latter which is why the LaMancha is ideal for dairy operations.
Being able to tell prime animals from inferior ones will help you during purchases and at instances when you decide to thin your herd of unproductive specimens. Knowledge of goat biology and habits will also be helpful in understanding their needs like the right feed to give and the physical signals which tell you the appropriate time to mate your buck with the does. With these things in mind, you're ready to start the journey to goat keeping. At this very moment, your ver
There are many dimensions in raising goats. First, you must identify the needs of your chief buyers. These needs will dictate which breed you will get as each one boasts different strengths on the areas of meat, milk, and hair. Therefore you will not use a goat of LaMancha stock to produce hair when Angoras are the more efficient breed for that. In the same respect, the former produces more milk than the latter which is why the LaMancha is ideal for dairy operations.
Being able to tell prime animals from inferior ones will help you during purchases and at instances when you decide to thin your herd of unproductive specimens. Knowledge of goat biology and habits will also be helpful in understanding their needs like the right feed to give and the physical signals which tell you the appropriate time to mate your buck with the does. With these things in mind, you're ready to start the journey to goat keeping. At this very moment, your ver
There are many dimensions in raising goats. First, you must identify the needs of your chief buyers. These needs will dictate which breed you will get as each one boasts different strengths on the areas of meat, milk, and hair. Therefore you will not use a goat of LaMancha stock to produce hair when Angoras are the more efficient breed for that. In the same respect, the former produces more milk than the latter which is why the LaMancha is ideal for dairy operations.
Being able to tell prime animals from inferior ones will help you during purchases and at instances when you decide to thin your herd of unproductive specimens. Knowledge of goat biology and habits will also be helpful in understanding their needs like the right feed to give and the physical signals which tell you the appropriate time to mate your buck with the does. With these things in mind, you're ready to start the journey to goat keeping. At this very moment, your very first animal is possibly already out there, chewing its cud, waiting for you to start your venture.
About the Author:
Being able to tell prime animals from inferior ones will help you during purchases and at instances when you decide to thin your herd of unproductive specimens. Knowledge of goat biology and habits will also be helpful in understanding their needs like the right feed to give and the physical signals which tell you the appropriate time to mate your buck with the does. With these things in mind, you're ready to start the journey to goat keeping. At this very moment, your very first animal is possibly already out there, chewing its cud, waiting for you to start your venture.
About the Author:
Are you searching for proven methods on raising goats the right manner? Ted is a goat enthusiast, and if you would like more tips on goat keeping, please visit: http://www.raising-goats.com