Most people in the West will never see a bed bug. In a way, they are an old-time household pest. This is because houses are cleaner and mattresses are man-made. Having said that, you may come across them. You might not see them, because they go into hiding during the daytime and only venture out at night. However, the next morning you will know that they have visited because you will have bite marks. Bed bugs suck your blood.
Bed bugs will trek a fair way to get to you and then will go home for a pleasant day's sleep, although sometimes they cannot get home if they have eaten too much. Bed bugs usually like to live in cracks and holes like behind skirting boards.
Bed bugs will trek a fair way to get to you and then will go home for a pleasant day's sleep, although sometimes they cannot get home if they have eaten too much. Bed bugs usually like to live in cracks and holes like behind skirting boards.
One method of testing for bed bugs is to leave a bar of soap in half an inch of water for half an hour while you lay on the bed reading a magazine. Then, get up and fetch the soap, wet side down. Pull the bedclothes back swiftly and if you have bed bugs dab them with the soap. They will be drawn by your body heat, but you will have to be snappy, because they are very fast when they have not eaten. If you are in a hotel, you will now have verification for the hotel manager.
So, if your house has an infestation of bed bugs or if you just want to give it a clean sweep, just to make certain, how do you go about it?.
Perhaps the first place to begin is your bed. Is the mattress OK? If it is torn either sew it up good and tight or get a new one. Change your sheets at least every week, it is not only more sanitary, but you will also be able to check for stragglers that have not made it home.
Next, check your skirtings. Are they movable, ill-fitting or even decayed? If so, have them fixed or renewed. While the skirtings are off, soak the brickwork or plaster behind there with a strong insecticide and then fit the skirtings back tight. If you are still worried, seal them top and bottom with mastic or silicone.
The next stage is to spray your floors and carpets, the whole floor area with permethrin. Permethrin will kill fleas, ticks, woodlice, bed bugs and spiders for up to six months and it will resist washing as well. You should now be clear of the little blighters.
If you are in a hotel, bed bugs are unacceptable no matter which country you are in and it is the hotel manager's responsibility to get rid of them. Otherwise, get a tin of permethrin or some flea powder and spray or dust it al
So, if your house has an infestation of bed bugs or if you just want to give it a clean sweep, just to make certain, how do you go about it?.
Perhaps the first place to begin is your bed. Is the mattress OK? If it is torn either sew it up good and tight or get a new one. Change your sheets at least every week, it is not only more sanitary, but you will also be able to check for stragglers that have not made it home.
Next, check your skirtings. Are they movable, ill-fitting or even decayed? If so, have them fixed or renewed. While the skirtings are off, soak the brickwork or plaster behind there with a strong insecticide and then fit the skirtings back tight. If you are still worried, seal them top and bottom with mastic or silicone.
The next stage is to spray your floors and carpets, the whole floor area with permethrin. Permethrin will kill fleas, ticks, woodlice, bed bugs and spiders for up to six months and it will resist washing as well. You should now be clear of the little blighters.
If you are in a hotel, bed bugs are unacceptable no matter which country you are in and it is the hotel manager's responsibility to get rid of them. Otherwise, get a tin of permethrin or some flea powder and spray or dust it al
Next, check your skirtings. Are they movable, ill-fitting or even decayed? If so, have them fixed or renewed. While the skirtings are off, soak the brickwork or plaster behind there with a strong insecticide and then fit the skirtings back tight. If you are still worried, seal them top and bottom with mastic or silicone.
The next stage is to spray your floors and carpets, the whole floor area with permethrin. Permethrin will kill fleas, ticks, woodlice, bed bugs and spiders for up to six months and it will resist washing as well. You should now be clear of the little blighters.
If you are in a hotel, bed bugs are unacceptable no matter which country you are in and it is the hotel manager's responsibility to get rid of them. Otherwise, get a tin of permethrin or some flea powder and spray or dust it along the base of the skirtings. If they are in your mattress, have it swapped for an undamaged one and try the soap test again.
If you are in rented accommodation, ask your neighbours if they have the same issue. Be diplomatic, some people might be too embarrassed to admit it. You will have to notify your landlord as it is his responsibility to manage such pests in his property. If he or she is reluctant to help, say, in as nice a manner as possible, that you cannot live like that and that you will have to seek some suggestions from the council. That should shake your landlord up.
About the Author:
The next stage is to spray your floors and carpets, the whole floor area with permethrin. Permethrin will kill fleas, ticks, woodlice, bed bugs and spiders for up to six months and it will resist washing as well. You should now be clear of the little blighters.
If you are in a hotel, bed bugs are unacceptable no matter which country you are in and it is the hotel manager's responsibility to get rid of them. Otherwise, get a tin of permethrin or some flea powder and spray or dust it along the base of the skirtings. If they are in your mattress, have it swapped for an undamaged one and try the soap test again.
If you are in rented accommodation, ask your neighbours if they have the same issue. Be diplomatic, some people might be too embarrassed to admit it. You will have to notify your landlord as it is his responsibility to manage such pests in his property. If he or she is reluctant to help, say, in as nice a manner as possible, that you cannot live like that and that you will have to seek some suggestions from the council. That should shake your landlord up.
About the Author:
Owen Jones, the writer of this piece writes on quite a few topics, but is currently involved with natural mosquito repellant. If you would like to know more or check out some great offers, please go to our website at Mosquito Repellent For Dogs.