It really doesn't make a difference which route you take in parenting your teenager there will be some difficult times ahead. This is a difficult time for parents as well as teenagers. Keeping your relationship positive with your teenager is discussed here in this article.
Cell phones and computers is one issue parents must deal with without ignoring them. You can't completely cut them off from using these but you can monitor the usage they do have. They won't necessarily like the idea but you must consider their safety, whether they are getting their school work done and if the phone bill is too expensive. It is your call but many parents choose to use software that allows them to set time limits and limits on what they can and cannot see on the computer. You will find that the activities they might get into online can be just as bad as the places you don't want them to go in town. This is just something we have to deal with as parents of 21st century teenagers.
Effectively parenting teenagers means that you have to know your teens. The fact that times change makes it necessary for you to know what they are up to. What better way to relate to your teen than knowing what music they are into, who they hang out with and what their favorite shows are. You don't have to have every tiny detail but you don't want your head in the clouds either. To learn about teens, don't interrogate them, but show an interest in their world. Knowing what they like or don't like doesn't mean having the same likes or dislikes it simply means being aware.
As you try your hardest at parenting teenagers, you should feel responsible for some aspects, of course you don't need to blame yourself for every little thing that goes belly up.
Your marriage can be stressed if you and your spouse disagree on the basics of raising your teens. Work as hard on your marriage as you do on your relationship with your teen. Teens may seem disinterested in their environment much of
Effectively parenting teenagers means that you have to know your teens. The fact that times change makes it necessary for you to know what they are up to. What better way to relate to your teen than knowing what music they are into, who they hang out with and what their favorite shows are. You don't have to have every tiny detail but you don't want your head in the clouds either. To learn about teens, don't interrogate them, but show an interest in their world. Knowing what they like or don't like doesn't mean having the same likes or dislikes it simply means being aware.
As you try your hardest at parenting teenagers, you should feel responsible for some aspects, of course you don't need to blame yourself for every little thing that goes belly up.
Your marriage can be stressed if you and your spouse disagree on the basics of raising your teens. Work as hard on your marriage as you do on your relationship with your teen. Teens may seem disinterested in their environment much of
As you try your hardest at parenting teenagers, you should feel responsible for some aspects, of course you don't need to blame yourself for every little thing that goes belly up.
Your marriage can be stressed if you and your spouse disagree on the basics of raising your teens. Work as hard on your marriage as you do on your relationship with your teen. Teens may seem disinterested in their environment much of the time even though they are really quite sensitive to it. Your tension with your spouse adds to the emotional problems of your teen. You should do everything you can to communicate well with your spouse and try to come to an agreement on parenting issues. Don't let the teen play you against the other. Should you require assistance further consult a therapist for counseling. Your overall family life is a large factor when it comes to parenting teenagers.
Most issues will have to be figured out on a case by case basis since there really isn't a magic wand to wave over the independent teenager when they are ready to leave the nest. These hints can be used as a guideline to make parenting a little easier to understand when it comes to teenagers.
About the Author:
Your marriage can be stressed if you and your spouse disagree on the basics of raising your teens. Work as hard on your marriage as you do on your relationship with your teen. Teens may seem disinterested in their environment much of the time even though they are really quite sensitive to it. Your tension with your spouse adds to the emotional problems of your teen. You should do everything you can to communicate well with your spouse and try to come to an agreement on parenting issues. Don't let the teen play you against the other. Should you require assistance further consult a therapist for counseling. Your overall family life is a large factor when it comes to parenting teenagers.
Most issues will have to be figured out on a case by case basis since there really isn't a magic wand to wave over the independent teenager when they are ready to leave the nest. These hints can be used as a guideline to make parenting a little easier to understand when it comes to teenagers.
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